Loss of Sanity

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A/N: We'd like to celebrate our 50th Chapter point. Of our Outsiders series this is the longest book we have worked on and are real proud. Only one more book down to go!

Asia's POV

The night at the Curtis house was quiet and slow. Everyone but Steve had showed up and were quietly playing poker or watching TV. Darry was in the kitchen working on dinner and I took up space on the couch sitting in between Johnny and Two bit. Ponyboy was in his room finishing up the last of his homework. My face was a little less pale from earlier but I still had the shakes.

"You alright kid?" Two bit asked looking over at me. Johnny glanced over and his face had concern on it.

"I...I don't know." I said. Everyone had knew what Dallas and I saw. The horrified expressions that made it across everyone's face wasn't surprising but the matter of truth was it was more horrifying knowing that Tyler had done this. She had taken away two lives. If she took away anymore she'd become a serial killer. There was a yelp at the table as Dallas slapped his cards onto the table.

"God damnit Sodapop. You a cheater." He muttered making Soda laugh.

The door then opened and Steve came on in. He looked tired but his face was somewhat pale, too.

"You okay?" I asked. Steve met my eyes and I could see the sadness in them. He knew about what Tyler did. I remember he had come to me earlier that day when I was awake from passing out from before.

I had been curled up on the couch watching TV with Two bit and Johnny. The two boys were keeping me company while Ponyboy went to a friend's house to help out with homework. He said it was someone from Math class who really needed his help or something. I couldn't remember.

The door opened and looking up I saw a shaken up Steve Randle come inside.

"Hey." I simply greeted not noticing his pale face at first. I felt him sit down next to me and Two bit gave a nod toward Steve.

"Hey buddy what's going on?" he asked. "You look a little pale." Turning to look over at Steve Two bit had been right. His face was ghostly white and he looked shaken up about something.

"It's about Tyler." He said keeping his voice low even though it was just Two bit, Johnny and I. My eyes widened a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked swallowing deeply. He didn't know I discovered Kane's dead body along with Dallas.

"She came over last night but something was off, I'm telling you..." his voice seemed to trail off and he looked more shaken up.

"Just tell us what happened." I said calmly as possible though I was barely keeping my cool. Luckily Johnny was sitting beside me in case I did lose it. I trusted Johnny as did Ponyboy. He wasn't a threat to our relationship like Sodapop had been trying to be before.

"She was covered in blood. I don't know if it was hers or someone else's, but she came over and needed to talk with me. I let her get cleaned up and before I could ask her anything she was out like a light." Steve said in a hurried voice. My stomach churned and I curled up more.

"I know why she was covered with blood." I muttered getting everyone else's attention. Two bit and Steve were the only ones who didn't know about Dallas and I discovering Kane.

"Why? Tell us." Two bit said looking at me with curiosity. His curiosity look wouldn't last long.

"Dallas and I discovered Kane's dead body..." I swallowed hard and Johnny gently rubbed my shoulder. He had already known since I came back looking deathly ill.

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