Chapter 1: First met

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The first time I met him was when I was grade 6. He is different from me. He is so smart, he's always on the top of the cohort. He can play basketball, guitar. He is tall. He is handsome too. His name is ...

Logie Wade

I like him. But I think I can't. Yeah I know I'm fairly tall and I can play the piano. But I'm not that smart I'm always like 10th or 12th. He's popular, I'm not. I'm not that crazy to think that I stand a chance being his girlfriend. 

The next year we're not in the same class. So my feeling just fade away. This year in 8 grade. We're back in the same class. I think my feeling for him came back. I doubt that it never left me. I like to watched him but of course if he looked my way, I try, fast as I can to focus to other stuff. Only my best friends knew that I fancy him. I always tell them about him. One day I dreamt about him this was the story of my dream.

So I fell asleep because I was exhausted after the field trip for 3 days 2 night. And in no time I was deep in slumber and entered my dream land. 

I was with my friends walking around the field of the school suddenly my religion teacher came to me and gave me a stack of posters from the field trip and we must put it in teacher's office at the third floor. So me and my friends went up the stairs. In the second floor I saw Logie and his friends. I walked faster and my cheeks went rose. Logie's friends shouted at me and Logie just coughed awkwardly as if apologizing for his friend's stupid act. I was running by then, but my posters fell down and one of the posters fell to Logie's feet but he wouldn't take it. So I ran down the stairs and got the poster. When i held the poster, Logie did the same and I just snatched it away from him and run upstairs and went to my friends. 

Then I woke up.. ohh why must I wake up ?? I want to know what happens at the end!! I tried closing my eyes again to continue it but to no avail, nothing works. I guess I'll just leave it and go to school to meet Logie and recount the dream to my friends. My friend just said "Oh Kezia I read on the internet if you dreamt of someone it means that someone's thinking about you!!" 

Oh My Gosh those types of articles are probably fake. If I dream of an idol I doubt that he's thinking about me. 

But ever since that dream, I feel his stares on me. My friends see it to. Almost everyday, and it was very very awkward.

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