Chapter 14 : Logan's Apologize

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Logan POV ~

She open the door with little bit anger in her face.

"Why are you here ?" She ask, she still mad at me.
"Hey is that how you greet your neighbor ?"
"Yeah. yeah.. whatever." She start roll her eyes.
"Umm.. yeah.. I just want to say sorry.. I'm so sorry of being selfish, childish, and many more. I promise not to be like that again. I'm very very sorry.."

I start to lay down like someone who want to ask the girl out. She look at Rachel. Nadine is up her thumb.

"Okay.. I forgive you." She start to smile. Suddenly my body just hug her, she just try to escape.
"Let go of me Logan ! Today I don't want to hug by anyone except Polo." She said.

"Polo ??" Who is Polo ? Her new boyfriend ?

"Her Teddy Bear." Suddenly Rachel said. We laugh together.

Note no. 1 Chacha like Teddy Bear or doll.

"Hey wanna come ?" Chacha ask.
"Sure" I said.
"Wanna try chicken & blue cheese fettuccine by Ririe ?"
"Why not ?"
"So how the taste ?" Ririe ask.
"It's perfect. Love it and delicious." I said.
"Thx to Rachel and Chacha. They teach me how to cook." Ririe said.

So Chacha can cook, ha! Maybe I can ask her to cook something for me.
"Hey, Chacha you can cook ?" David ask.
"Umm... a little bit. Not like Ririe and Rachel." Her cheeks goes red.
"Huff !! Such a liar ! Your the one who make our team won last cooking competition." Ririe said.
"No.. You two help me too !" Ririe said.
"Alright.. alright.. You two can cook. No argue ok ?" I said.
"Okeyy.." The girls said.

Chacha POV ~

It's very warm this way. Everyone happy. I want this situation last long forever.

"Hey Chacha we still have stock of fireworks. Do you want to play it ?" Rachel ask.
"Up two you. No prob for me."

We go out to the yard. David and Logan set the firework. There are big and small fireworks.
"Hey ready guys ?" David ask.
"We're so ready !!" We scream.
"1..2..3...!!" David said. We scream very loud. We take so many pics.
"Guys !! Come here." Rachel said.
"What ?" Ririe ask.
"Selfie Time !!"

I think we take 10 photos of our craziness style. I don't know what style I do. It's to much crazy. I look at the photos but 1 make me shock. I stop in that pic, then Logan come.

"Hey ! You look at the pic ? Can I see it to ?" Logan ask. He look at the pic I hold. I look at him.
" ki..kiss me ??" I ask.
"Um.. yeah.. I'm so sorry.. I can't hold it. You are to beautiful."
He kiss me very near with my lips and hug me. I use to think, that is Ririe hug me and her cheeks touch my cheeks.
"It's ok." It's very awkward. Then he ask me.
"Cha, do you busy tomorrow night ?" Logan ask.
"No.. Why ?"
"Will go to dinner with me tomorrow ?"
"Sure, where ?"
"I will pick up you and yeah maybe I should go home now. Bye."
"Ok.. Bye !!"

"Hey Chacha, maybe I should go home too. Bye" David come and said.
"Okay !! Bye !"

"Hey girls, many jobs to do." I say to Ririe and Rachel. There are so many dishes to wash. It's so tired.
After the dishes we go to sleep very fast. Can't wait for tomorrow night. 5 minutes before I sleep Logan message me.

Don't forget to wear dress ok ? It's gonna be fantastic."

"To : Logan
Okay ! Why I must wear dress ?"

"To : Chacha
Just see tomorrow."

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