Chapter 8 : Free Time

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Chacha POV ~

So we have a break from the shooting and we have plan to go to the mall.
To cover Logan from his fan, we have to make over him. He's gonna wear hat, an earphone on her neck, t-shirt with the word "I'm Hot, baby ! Back off or your gonna be burn" that so embarrassing. He gonna wear sunglasses. And I give some scarf in his chick with make up.
He is so difference that time. We go there with my car so anyone never knew that Logan at my car all the time.

Now we already in the mall. Some people look at Logan and whisper to her friends
"Hey, I think it's Logan."
"No, it's not. He has a scarf on his cheeks." The girl said to the other girl.
I think Logan hear it too. He get my arm and make me to hug his arm.
"Hey, Hun how about we walk to the fashion store ?" He ask. Wow he know how to make fan not believe that's him.
"Okay.. Let's go." I said.
We walk faster. Ririe and Rachel stay in that place to hear what their saying with looking into the map.

Rachel POV ~

We enter the mall and I see some people look at Logan and start to whisper.
"Hey, I think it's Logan."
"No, it's not. He has a scarf on his cheeks." The girl said to the other girl.
I think Logan hear it too. He get Chacha's arm and make her to hug his arm.
"Hey, Hun how about we walk to the fashion store ?" He ask Chacha. Wow he know how to make fan not believe that's him.
"Okay.. Let's go." She said.
They walk faster.
"Ririe, wait here I want to hear what they are saying."
We look into the mall's map and here what their saying.
"It's kinda look like Logan but he doesn't have scarf and girlfriend !" The first girl said.
"Yeah.. but it's not mean that he is look like Logan and he is Logan. It can be someone else !! If you want to run and catch him just go. I don't want to embarrass my self." The second girl said.
"Okay.. okay.. Let's go." The first girl don't like the idea of her friend so they go.
We catch up Logan and Chacha.
We tell them everything. They laugh so hard.

Chacha POV ~

"Hahahah.. That's so funny. Thanks to the second girl. You must give him a prize, Iloge." Iloge it's Logan secret name.
"Hey Chacha, we want to buy some clothes do you want to come ?" Ririe said.
I look at Logan, if I let him alone he gonna be lonely
"No, you just go just meet us at ice-cream bar at 5 o'clock."
Ririe and Rachel go.. So just me and Logan.
"So what are we doing ?" I ask.
"You can go with them if you want I will stay right here." He said.
"No no, I won't let you alone here. Let's go somewhere." I said.

Logan POV ~

"Hey Cha ha, we want to buy some clothes do you want to come ?" Natasya said.
She look at me.
"No, you just go just meet us at ice-cream bar at 5 o'clock." She said.
Ririe and Rachel go.. so just me and Chacha.
"So what are we doing ?" She ask.
"You can go with them if you want I will stay right here." I said.
"No no, I won't let you alone here. Let's go somewhere." She is to kind. She never leave her friends alone. I can't move my eyes from her.
She look at me.
"Why are you look at me ?" she ask. She has a beautiful eyes, I ever seen.
"Umm nothing. Oh ya.. Yesterday I promise you to take you to dinner but it can't because of Mandy. So what is your favorite store ?" I ask.
"It's alright. Never mind if you can't do your promise. Hmmm.. I like book store."
"Let's go to the book store." I said and pull her.

We're at the book store. She's searching in the novel rack. She's searching for Percy Jackson : The last Olympus.
"Hey, you like Percy Jackson ?" I ask.
"Yes, it's my favorite book ever." She said and look at the book.
"Me too. I already have all the book." I said.
"Lucky you.. I must collect my money if I want to buy this book." She said. "Umm yeah.. You don't buy anything ?" She ask.
"No, it's ok."
We walk to the cashier. She start to pay but I stop it.
"Let me pay your book." I said.
"No.. I can pay it my self." To late I already pay it for her.
"I will change your many." She said.
"No no, it's alright." I said.
"But.." she start to talk.
"Shh... Let's go somewhere else." I said.
So we walk around the mall and meet Mandy. What happen now ??
"Hey !! Jerk !" She told to Chacha.
"What did you say ?" She ask.
I saw Chacha want to hit Mandy but I stop it.
"Who is this ?? Is that your boyfriend ??" She look at Logan.

Chacha POV ~

"Who is this ?? Is that your boyfriend ??" She look at Chacha.
"Yes, this my boyfriend. Is that any problem with you ?" I started hug Logan hand.
"Yes, she is so ugly, like a thief, so euw. Hey Chacha's boyfriend.. You must break up with her. She already have a boyfriend in the other place." She look at Logan again.
"Hey miss watch are you talking about." Logan said.
We started to walk along leave Mandy alone. She come to us and say
"Wait... I know that voice. Are Logan Lerman ??"
"No, I'm not. I'm Iloge." Logan said and now we really leave her alone.
"Good act Chacha." He said.
"You too." We laugh together.
We went to cinema. I bought popcorn and Logan but ticket. We go to studio 5. We watch horror movie.
"Why you buy horror ticket movie ?" I ask.
"AHh .. So you scare right ?" He laugh and hit me little.

Logan POV~

"Why are you buy horror ticket movie ?" She ask.
This my plan to make her scare and hug me. Hoho this gonna be fun.

Chacha POV ~

We watch. I'm so scare, I almost can't eat my popcorn. I start to take Logan's hand. I hold it stronger. The the ghost is scare me up and I hug Logan tightly. He hug me back. I feel save. My heart beat faster. I feel warm in Logan hug.
"Please don't let go your hand." I said.
"Sure." He hug me tightly.
Almost half film I hug Logan.
The movie just finish and it still 2 o'clock.
We watch one movie again but not horror movie this time.

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