Chapter 2 : Move To America

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The day just passed.. Nothing special happened but the field trip is tomorrow!

We went to a field trip. I was in the same bus as him. Like oh god. We sat very far from each other though, I sat at front, he sat at the very back of the bus, but I can still hear him.

He and his friends made the situation feel better and lighter. He liked to walk to the front of the bus and walk near me and occasionally he sat in front of me!! It's so cool!! But kinda awkward too, I can't do anything. Sometimes when I look up, he was already looking at me and he looked away bashfully. Oh he's so cute.

One day, my friends and I were walking around the school. We passed by him. He is standing right next to the basketball ring. And he looked at me... I looked back at him and unlike any other time, he didn't look away this time. Couldn't handle or hide the redness on my cheeks caused me to look down but my friends laugh.

I asked, "Why are you laughing ?"

"You don't know ??"

"Yeah obviously I don't know. I was looking at my shoes. Tell me..."

"So he was looking at you and his friend asked him something. He is not listening so he was just like "hah what?" Ehem Cha I think he's thinking about you."

"Na ah.. Never in a million years," I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, it's not like you don't like the thought of him liking you," she teased and I just ran away.

Have I not introduced myself? Pardon me, I'm Reycha but everyone in my school call me Chaca. They don't know my real name, even Logie doesn't know too.. Only my best friends know..

Day turned to months and turned to years. Years turned to many more years that made us mature. That forced us all to grow up.

I moved to America I left my friend but Valkerie (Ririe for short) and Rachel came with me. We do just about everything together.

We walk around the city and found a poster.

To all citizens!!
We invite you to audition for our latest drama show. It will be FASCINATING. You are all Actors and Actresses. Just have a try!
Good Luck!! We're waiting for you !!
Place : Hollywood. House number 19
Date : 10 January - 10 February 2022

We looked at each other and we signed up to come back tomorrow.

Next day we went to the audition and we passed!!

"YAYY!!" We screamed together and we went to Starbucks to celebrate.

Next day we went to Hollywood. It was so cool. Lots of people were walking around. We searched for the studio and we found it. It was studio 10. We must go through another round of auditions to take part.

Firstly, we had to make a script for the movie and Rachel won it. She's going to be the writer. Second, we had to act but we still can act while reading the script. Ririe got a place to be Maggie McClaire, friend of the main character Jessie Pervent. So I was the only one from the three but I didn't make it. I tried hard but I failed. I can't believe it.

"Chacha... It's ok.. Don't be sad.. You can try next audition." Ririe said.

"If you want to enter another audition we will support you ;)" Rachel said.

"Thx Guys.. Your the best !!" I hugged them. I walked home by myself, they were still in studio to get an announcement. While I was walking, I ran into someone. He was wearing sunglasses.

"Sorry ma'am.. I didn't see you walking. Are you alright?" He asked. I was still on the ground, my feet were hurting and I don't think I can walk.

"Umm yeah i'm fine, thanks. I can walk." nonetheless I said otherwise. I tried to walk but I fell down. He caught me. I can't see his eyes but the lenses were translucent, his eyes; kinda green or blue. Just that faint detail reminded me of someone.

"Wow.. You're definitely not fine ma'am. Let me take you home," He said.

"Nah.. I can just go on a taxi.." He hushed me and took me to his car.

"Where do you live?" he asked and I proceeded on telling him the directions to my house.

Did I not realise that he was a stranger? He could be kidnapping me right now. But he was so calm and collected. Aren't all kidnappers like that?! Oh my god what've I got myself into?!

"So this is your house ?" He broke my panicked thoughts and I looked out the car window.

"Um yeah.. I live with my friends. Rachel and Ririe," I answered.

"Ahh I know them.. The writer and the Maggie right ? How about you ?"

"Yeah.. I didn't pass the audition but maybe I can follow the other audition."

"Oh sorry... I didn't know but you can definitely try next time. Hmm... Are you busy tomorrow? I want to..." he paused and I looked at him as he scratched his nape.

"I would like to take you out for a meal or something as an apology. I mean if you would allow me to!" He hurriedly add the last sentence.

"Tomorrow ? Yeah, I can go. Meet me in Starbucks."

"Okay so uh... Tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon."

He lead me inside my house and drove away after that. My feet were feeling better. It was just probably tired from so much walking. I walked into the house and gave some medicine to my feet.

I have a date tomorrow? Does that count date? Ugh but I still don't know what to wear.

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