01. Sweatshirt

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Caden Young was the first guy to have Peter Parker's full attention. Caden was a grade above Peter, and the boys were in most of the same classes. He was good-hearted and had a good head on his shoulders. He was responsible, smart, witty at times, and gave Peter a run for his money in the fact that they both were at the top of their shared classes.

They were both in advanced classes. Peter, being highly intelligent, was enrolled in classes usually taken by students in junior year while Caden was a junior but felt unchallenged in the regular classes and was moved to advanced placement. They never really talked, but that didn't stop Peter from having feelings towards him.

Caden was the first guy Peter had really liked since coming out as trans a year earlier, and not just the thinking someone's cute kind of like either. He had an intense feeling towards the older boy, and Peter found that kind of terrifying.

"So, I see you've gotten past your Liz stage," Ned commented, placing his lunch tray next to Peter's. Peter continued to stare at Caden and was so intensely staring at the boy that he hadn't acknowledged Ned at the table.

Ned had purposely gotten to lunch late because he knew something was up with his best friend. He should've known it was some new crush, but he assumed Peter didn't want him to know, because Ned hadn't recalled Peter mentioning Caden as often as he did with Liz.

"Oh, yeah, he's been staring at that boy all lunch period so far," Michelle commented, looking up from her book for a split second. "I swear, you guys are so obvious... if I didn't have any other friends I'd ditch you."

"Yeah, yeah. You've been saying that since last year." Ned waved a dismissing hand at her comment as the girl continued reading.

Peter finally dragged his eyes away from his newest—not that he would ever admit it—crush. "You know... he wears a different Spider-Man sweatshirt every single day."

"We know," Ned said, laughing. "You tell us every single day." He began to eat his lunch as he saw Peter turning to stare at the boy again. "Dude, just talk to him."

"What? No. No," Peter turned his head quickly towards his best friend, immediately shooting down the idea. "Are you kidding, why would you think I'd be able to do that?"

Michelle snickered in her seat, not trying at all to hide her amusement. "Because you have a huge crush on him? Probably bigger than the one on dear Liz."

Ned nodded in agreement and smirked at Peter. "If you don't go over and talk to him, I'll bring him over here," he chuckled when Peter's eyes widened. "You know I'll do it."

Peter bit his lip in thought. "Um, when will this talking to him have to take place?"

"Stop stalling, and right now." The boy next to him stood up, ready to invite Caden over to their table. Peter pulled him back to his seat by his shirt sleeve.

"Right now?!" he whispered in a harsh voice. His voice squeaked slightly, causing his cheeks to turn red. "I can't, Ned... come on."

"I'll be back with the love of your life," Ned replied, prying Peter's hands off of his shirt sleeve. He walked over to Caden's table, watching Peter sulk with his head in his hands.

Michelle glanced over at Peter and laughed loudly. "What's so hard about talking to someone you like? They're just a person."

Peter looked up and sighed. "Because you have to, you know... speak, and I'm not sure what other grades gossip about! The Penis Parker joke could be going around the whole school, and I'm not even aware of it." He turned towards the direction Caden and Ned were. He saw them talking, only imagining what embarrassing things Ned could be saying. Ned pointed to Peter, still talking to Caden. Caden looked over at Peter and gave him a small wave which made Peter look away, blushing.

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