05. Spider-Man: Master of Entrances

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May always had the weekends free to herself. When Peter and her were both younger and they both had tons of energy, they would wildly entertain themselves around the apartment. Ben would join them once he got home, the two adults chasing Peter around the apartment.

By aging ten or so years, they both spent their free time in different ways, May relaxing or cleaning the apartment while Peter did homework or spent time with his friends. May and Peter hardly saw each other except during meals.

May walked to Peter's bedroom with a plan in mind. She couldn't stop thinking about Peter and Caden. It was pretty obvious of their feelings towards each other, but she wanted to properly talk about it with Peter even though he would most likely avoid the subject over and over again.

She knocked lightly on his door, a plate in hand, smiling softly and entering when he let out a mumbled response.

Peter was sitting at his desk, leaning over a stack of homework and his own notes. May walked over to him and placed the plate down next to his books. She dragged a chair towards his desk and sat down, watching him read sections of his textbook and scribble notes as he read.

"Hey, genius, why don't you take a break?" she asked softly, rubbing his back gently. "You have all day to work... unless you have plans with some people, maybe Ned and MJ or another boy..."

Peter looked at her, rolling his eyes in amusement. "I know what you're trying to do, and I kinda don't want to talk about that," he said, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Okay, I won't talk about that boy's crush on you. I guess you already know anyways," May said with a small smirk on her lips.

She watched as Peter, who was leaning down underneath his desk, went to lift his head quickly and smacked it against the bottom of the desk. He groaned in pain, holding the back of his head tightly. "Shit," he mumbled, yanking out the plug to the heating pad that was laying on his abdomen.

Once he sat upright, May went into Protective Aunt Mode, speaking at practically a hundred words per second. "Peter, oh my god. Do you need aspirin? What were you doing?" She practically ran into the kitchen to grab the bottle of aspirin, not waiting for him to answer any of her questions.

"I was unplugging the heating pad," Peter explained once May returned, wincing in pain as he shifted in his seat. He pulled the heating pad out from under his shirt, throwing it onto his bed carelessly. "Also, Caden doesn't like me. Thanks for that statement though, almost gave me a concussion," he added, taking the aspirin May was shoving into his hand.

"Do you have bad cramps?" she asked, the glint in her eye that would active the Protective Aunt Mode starting to shine. Peter quickly shook his head, knowing the familiar glint all too well.

"Not really. It is getting much lighter though." May nodded in understanding at the statement and smiled gently at him. He swallowed the pills with a glass of water then touched the back of his head. A bump was already forming, and he sighed, shaking his head.

May wrapped an arm around her nephew, pulling him into a side hug. "Obviously you would think he doesn't like you, but you also don't know what I saw when he looked at you," May told Peter, giving him a tight squeeze before sitting back in her seat. "He likes you."

Peter smiled ever so slightly, his cheeks a light red tone. He then looked over to the plate May had set down when she had first entered the room. "What's this? My vision is impaired from almost being concussed," he joked, taking a sip of water.

May rolled her eyes at her nephew, standing up. She placed a comforting hand on his back, kissing the top of his head. "Oh, you know, just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with apple slices," she answered, smiling down at the boy.

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