30. Thank God it's Over

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In retrospect it was lucky that Peter was even standing awkwardly in the middle of a banquet hall in his newly rented tuxedo. Caden had only asked him to the junior prom less than a month ago, and they were lucky everything was able to work out as smoothly as it did.

He still wasn't sure of how Caden had asked him so casually knowing that the event was creeping up close.

The couple was sitting on Caden's huge leather chair in his living room, watching one of those humorous baking shows off of Netflix.

Noah, Julie, and Tabitha had gone away for one of her weekend long swimming competitions, hesitantly leaving the keys to the house in Caden's care. It's not that they didn't trust him, but they weren't stupid. He had a boyfriend, and a house all alone to himself for the weekend.

It didn't make anything less awkward when Peter had walked in on Caden's parents convincing him to have a box of condoms in his room for protection. In the end, his parents trusted him with the house, and they were content knowing that if him and Peter were going to go all the way that they would be safe about it.

Meanwhile, they were doing nothing of the sort as they sat in comfortable silence, watching the bakers fail at pretty much everything they attempted.

In the middle of an episode, Caden paused the show, turning Peter's gaze to him with a hand under the boy's chin. "I have something-"

"Caden, I already know you're gay," Peter joked, pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaning to reach for the remote.

The older boy snorted, and they shared an amused glance before Caden continued. "Are you doing anything on June third?"

Peter lifted his eyes to the ceiling, tapping his chin in a deep kind of comical thought before turning back to Caden with a grin. "Not that I know of. Am I supposed to be doing something that day?"

"Coming to prom with me?" Caden hopefully asked as if there was some way where Peter would say no. "If you want to obviously... Reese said he would take Ned as a friend if that would make you feel more comfortable."

Peter rolled his eyes, letting out a small laugh as Caden continued speaking. "You don't have to convince me, Argo. Lame promposal, but I'll go anyways."

Caden widely grinned at him, leaning in close to him and placing his hand on the back of Peter's neck to bring them closer and finally connect their lips in a sweet kiss.

Keeping his eyes open while they were kissing was an odd experience for Peter, but he needed to find the remote somehow. He searched with his hand, feeling the remote on the ottoman a few inches away. Soon, Caden's hand were on both sides of Peter's face, and the smaller boy peaked over his shoulder, resuming the cooking show they'd been watching.

Caden whipped his head around in disbelief, turning back to Peter with a smile. He shook his head at the remote in the boy's hands, watching Peter giggle softly.

Peter watched all of his friends dancing around carefree with huge smiles on their faces. He wasn't much of a dancing person, but Jackie was determined to make him one by the end of the night if it killed her.

He grinned as Caden walked over to him with a cup of water. "For your rigorous dancing," the boy teased him, kissing his cheek quickly before placing it on their table.

Peter was always surprised at how easy it was for Caden to be fully out after he had came out to his family. He guessed it was the same for Jackie and MJ who weren't big fans of PDA but occasionally shared a kiss in the cafeteria. Meanwhile, Peter was still shaky after constant harassment from Flash and his group.

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