20. Blackout

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To deal with the annoyance of the colors in a rational way, Flash stayed awake for two and a half days straight. He finally passed out from exhaustion - his body shaking from the immense amounts of caffeine in his system - in the cafeteria.

His lunch tray went crashing onto the floor, a loud clash emitting as a result. It took a while for the states to cease and for students to begin helping him up, but by that point, the faculty had called the nurse for a wheelchair and sent kids to make sure he was okay.

Meanwhile, Peter and his friend group watched the event take place and stifled giggles, only letting them loose when the cafeteria was at full volume again - like the Flash thing had never happened.

"Wish I had been recording that," MJ groaned, shaking her head at herself as everyone around her nodded in agreement. "I could've been a viral hit by now."

"That definitely livened up a normal Tuesday," Reese commented, having taken off his headphones after witnessing Flash pass out. "And, don't you know being a viral sensation is Caden's thing?"

MJ turned to the boy with a look that made Reese immediately want to take back his words. Fortunately, Jackie swooped in, smiling at her girlfriend and entwining their fingers. "Yeah, it's been our foolproof plan for over a year. One quick video of Spider-Man and consider his college tuition paid for."

Peter choked on his lunch, stifling his coughs as he gulped down water. He saw Caden's eyebrows furrow in concern, and he shook his head with a smile. "I'm fine," he softly croaked out.

Caden didn't seem convinced as he pressed a quick kiss to Peter's forehead, the same look of concern on his face, before turning to Jackie.

"Mhm," Caden hummed in a response, draping his arm lazily around Peter. "I'm not exploiting my new best friend, guys."

"Oh, please, what are his powers? Like, string? That's nothing," Jackie scoffed. "I can take him. I'll challenge him to a duel in your honor, Caden. Only one best friend will remain."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he murmured, putting another fry in his mouth.

"No thanks necessary," Jackie said, shooting a wink on Caden's direction.

Ned chuckled, smiling at Peter. "Jackie might have to fight you next. Not just for Caden's honor but for his affection."

With that, MJ narrowed her eyes at Caden, pressing a kiss to Jackie's cheek. Peter glanced towards Ned, shaking his head with a nervous laugh.

"I'd rather not," he admitted, sending an apologetic glance towards Caden after the older boy had let out an overdramatized gasp, "I just really don't want to fight MJ."

Caden let out a noise of disapproval, removing his arm that was wrapped tightly around Peter. "I'd fight her for you," he whined, shaking his head at the boy.

"Well, that's just so nice of you, but she scares me. Always has."

"That's the goal," MJ raised her brows, nodding her head in approval. She let out a laugh as Jackie seemed to agree with the boys, rolling her eyes as she slung an arm around Jackie's shoulder.


The change of scenery was refreshing to Flash, having woken up in the school with a bleeding head once before. This time, it wasn't that he had gained powers but that his powers had become overwhelming. And, medicine wouldn't work. He had tried it before, and his metabolism was crazy since his powers had started that everything would just go right through him.

So, he was at a loss even a half hour after he became conscious in the small area in the nurse's office where surprisingly comfortable cots were. The cloth smelled vaguely of weed which wasn't a shock as most of the kids to reside at the nurse's were people skipping class: genius turned stoners.

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