14. A Perfect Moment

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Peter was especially grateful for Tony Stark's technologically advanced suit when December rolled around. Winter in the city wasn't nearly as harsh as some areas of the state, but it wasn't the best weather. That's why, until he had the new suit, his patrols had been limited to a small area with easy access to either his own or Ned's apartment.

Able to jump around the city freely without worry of freezing from a homemade suit, Peter couldn't contain his smile as he got closer to Caden's apartment.

Walking across the roof of the Jackie's building, he allowed the brisk air of the winter day to cool him down, disabling the automatic heating for a second as it become uncomfortably warm. As quickly as he turned it off, Peter switched the heat back on again, clearly underestimating the harshness of the city's frost.

Finally perfecting his landing, attaching a web to the side of Caden's rooftop, he swung on his web as if it were a vine and balanced on the windowsill next to a snow covered potted plant. He observed the boy through the window, watching as his eyebrows furrowed while scribbling down something in a notebook.

Peter heart pounded at the sight of him, tapping on the window lightly, his smile widening at his surprised blue eyes. Peter waved to him, Caden returning the gesture slowly and walking over to unlock his window.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while," the older boy commented, shivering as he cracked open the window once the masked hero was inside his room, allowing an easy escape route for Spider-Man if need be.

"It's only been a few weeks," he responded, shooting a web out to pull Caden's chair over so he could rest on it. The boy looked to him with an amused smile, shaking his head as the red and blue clad hero sat down. "You looked like you were concentrating hard there." Peter let out a laugh, gesturing to the notebook on his desk.

"Oh, yeah," Caden looked back to the paper, rolling his eyes as he returned the gaze, "I'm trying to narrow down the gift list for my friends and... that boy I told you about earlier..."

"Ah," Peter drew out the word, his cheeks heating up as a smile grew on his lips. "So, things worked out?"

"Yeah, it worked perfectly, I think." The wide flashy smile that Caden wore, looking down at the superhero in his chair, made Peter's heart flutter. "You're kind of a genius, Spidey."

Peter dramatically waved his hands in the air to dismiss the idea before snickering, shaking his head. "No, that was all you, dude. I'm glad things are good now."

Quickly, Caden's eyes glazed over, the wide smile shining as it remained, practically oozing happiness. "He's... amazing. We've been going out for more than a month, so obviously I really like him," he waved a dismissive hand towards his notebook, crumpled pages of loose leaf surrounding his desk, "I've been trying to find a perfect gift for him because - and I don't know what he thinks we are - I want to ask him to be my boyfriend."

To say that Peter Parker's face flushed red underneath his mask was an understatement. He would've gladly jumped up, swinging through the city with a smile of disbelief and joy plastered onto his face if not for the anxious nature to Caden's plans. And, with that, Peter's smile faltered.

"Is something wrong with that? I think that's sounds amazing," was Peter's questioning response, shrugging as he thoroughly encouraged the idea. Not that he was biased or anything.

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