8. Aftermath

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Zara Costanza

The light from one of the windows broke through the shutters and was currently shining on my forehead. I woke up from the bright light. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to move my head, but my neck was so sore from... from lying on someone's chest the entire night? As I analyzed the situation; I was lying down very close next to another person, and their arm was wrapped around my waist.

Shit. Did I really drink that much?

I slowly moved and turned to see who it was. Holland. On top of us, there was a blanket covering both of us.

I clasped my hand on top of my mouth in disbelief.

Oh. My. Gosh. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?

Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid last night.

Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid last night.

I should never be allowed to drink again...

I grasped the cover and took a deep breath. I then lifted it slowly and cautiously. We were both fully clothed. A wave of relief rushed through me. I don't even want to think about how disastrous it would have been if we weren't.

My movements had awakened Tom. He groaned, "Good morning."

"Hey... I'm going to apologize for anything that I did last night. I'm so sorry," I said groggily. As I slowly sat up, my head began to pound."But on another note, what happened?" 

Tom yawned, "You were drunk. I was kind of out of it, but not as drunk as you."

The pounding in my head really made me regret drinking. The aftermath of it is absolute shit. I always had headaches and I wouldn't remember a single thing. 

"Hey, um... we didn't-you know, you know-last night?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. 

Tom sat up and rubbed his eyes and chuckled, "Believe me, no not at all. I just took care of you since you were extremely drunk."

I leaned back into the couch in relief, "Oh thank goodness. Thank you for taking care of me. Seriously, Tom, otherwise I would've done something stupid."

"Well there's this one thing," he said, running his hands through his hair. Something about him seemed very tense. 

I buried my face into my hands, "No no no no no..."

"You-you and Harrison-" I clasped my hand over my mouth.

"-it's not terrible. I mean you were both obviously absolutely gone, but you were about to kiss at least. But I handled it and that's why you're here. I brought you to the couch and then you just crashed. Eventually, I ended up falling asleep as well."

"Oh, okay... shit. I'm going to have to apologize to him," I said, rubbing my temples. "Okay, I guess I'm going to go up there now... that's probably best to just make things clear that I just had way too much to drink." 

Tom ran his hand through his hair again. Something about him seemed less tense than a few minutes ago.

I reached over him to grab my phone, but my head was hurting so much. Suddenly, the walls around me began to spin and I collapsed falling on top of him. 

He groaned in pain, "Jesus, Costanza. Just stay here, you're only going to make it worse."

"I am so sorry," I said, trying to get off of him back onto my side of the couch.

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