15. Trailer

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Zara Costanza

A week had passed since we finished shooting for Spider-Man: Homecoming. Even though it was over, some of the cast and I were still contacting each other or meeting up with one another. Just a few days ago, Laura, Zendaya, and I spent an entire girls day together. Word travels fast when you hang around a Disney star, so paparazzi were snapping dozens of pictures of us as we walked down the streets.


Penis Parker (SH Cast + Harrison)

You really meant it when you guys 
said you'd miss each other, huh? 

He sent a screenshot of a photo that I had posted of the three of us together on Instagram.

Lau-RAWW 🐯
How can you blame us?
We had a girls day, that's all.
Have you boys not had a guys day?

Tony the Ravioli
We're actually men.

Disney Gal

Zara Costanza

Zara Costanza
you act like teenage boys
99.9% of the time

Holland 🕷
You lot are barely mature

Exactly. And actually, Jacob
practically lives with us now
and Tony drops by so we spend
a decent amount of time together

Lau-RAWW 🐯


I received another notification from Tom.


Holland 🕷

Holland 🕷
Have you called Disney back yet?

Zara Costanza
No... I'll do it later

Holland 🕷
You're not re thinking
this, are you?

Zara Costanza

Holland 🕷
Because if you are, I'll be
over right now and I will
set things straight

Zara Costanza
Don't worry. I'll call them!!

Holland 🕷

Holland 🕷
Costanza, NOW.

Zara Costanza
Gheez, fine. I was going
to take a shower, relax

Holland 🕷
You better be giving them
a ring.

Zara Costanza
Okay, OKAY, British boy.
I'll tell you when it's done.


I put the clothes that I was holding down onto my bed. I sat down on the bed and called Jenna, the last person who contacted me about the role.

I waited for a little bit until she answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, Jenna. This is Zara. I'm calling to get back to you on the Anastasia role."

"Oh yes, of course!"

"I've decided to accept the role."

"Great, that's awesome news! I'll inform the crew and they'll probably send you more paperwork as well as the unfinished script as it's still being drafted. We're still waiting on a few more responses in terms of the cast, but we'll be in touch, Zara! On behalf of Disney, we're all looking forward to working with you!"

"Aw, likewise! I look forward to filming. can you give me an approximate date to when we'll begin shooting?"

I heard ruffling on the other line. I assumed that she must have been searching for a paper or something. "Hmm, well I can tell you it will be a 5-month shooting period. And it will probably happen in August. We know that you'll have to do your press tour and all that for Spider-Man, but there is still a lot to be done before we begin shooting. I mean, I can tell you that the scriptwriters are only on their second draft and there's still a lot to go."

"Alright, thank you. If you find out anything else, please call me. Thanks, Jenna."

"No problem. Again, thank you so much! Bye for now," said Jenna. I hung up afterward.

I took a deep breath. "This is legit. It's going to happen," I told myself.

Later that night, I decided to actually watch the movie, Anastasia. After all, I was going to be the lead female role in the movie soon.

After watching the movie, I genuinely really enjoyed it. I looked forward to portraying this interesting character and I was quite glad that of all of the Disney princesses, I was going to be playing Anastasia. 

I seriously did enjoy it and I was glad that out of all of the Disney princesses, I was going to be Anastasia.


March 2017

A couple of months passed and I was reunited with Zendaya, Laura, Tom, Harrison, Tony, and Jacob. The group of us were doing a huge press day because the trailer was launched earlier today.

We decided to meet up at Tom's apartment in LA before we all went to the press studio later on.

The trailer was released for Spider-Man Homecoming, so in honor of it, some of the cast members and I (plus Harrison) were hanging out together, a few hours before we were all going to be interviewed.

Each of us promised that we wouldn't see the trailer until we met up with each other. Finally, Tony, who was the last one to arrive, showed up at the apartment.

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed, opening up my computer to search for the trailer. Tom, Harrison, and Jacob properly greeted Tony meanwhile, Zendaya, Laura, and I gathered around my computer. It already had millions of views which made me very nervous.

"Hi to you guys, too," muttered Tony. The boys gathered around the laptop as well.

Zendaya let out a shriek, "I'm so excited! Just play it already!"

I opened up the video and made it full screen. The 7 of us watched as the trailer played. The editing made it seem 100 times more epic than when we shot it. The effects were brilliant and everything looked amazing.

We watched the trailer three more times, making comments and remarks as the video played.

"Guys, millions of people have seen it. No pressure on us, obviously," said Laura.

A pit in my stomach began to form. Everything that we had done was going to be seen by millions of people. I have never been in a movie that is going to be as huge as this one.

"Oh shit... this is the real stuff," said Jacob who was amazed. "But seriously, I look like a 14-year-old kid with the hair..."

"My voice... is it really that high?" Tom asked, putting a few fingers on his throat.

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