Chapter 7: Thank God...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Whats wrong my beautiful wife?" Christian asks with a smirk on his face as I almost threw up remembering we were legally married,

"Your not hungry?" He asks sitting across the table from me as I looked down at the rag in my mouth with my hands and legs tied to the chair I was on,

"It's so delicious, I can tell you that" he says eating a pice of his steak as my stomach rumbled,

We were currently having dinner, which consists of mainly him stuffing his family face in front of me while I was tied down against my will with nothing to do besides watch hungrily.

"Im sorry did you want some hun?" He asks with a chuckle as I screamed through the rag angrily,

"Sorry, what was that sweet pea?" He asks before standing up as I tried to squirm out of the fricken tight ropes,

" I wanted to show you something special" he says caressing my cheek as I growled at his touch,

"Calm down little pup" he says before reaching inside a drawer to bring out a small present like thing wrapped in a bow,

"Go on, open it" he says placing it on my lap as I rolled my eyes,

"Oh yeah I forgot" he says as I groan,

"Here, look. Our first memoir" he says opening the present only to find the most aggravating thing my eyes have ever looked upon,

It was a small frame of him getting the documents for our marriage with me in the background being held against my will by his men.

"Isn't it beautiful" he says with a sarcastic sob as I groan,

"Dont be like that, we'll make more memoirs. Espicially with our future children" he says with a smirk as I pretend to throw up before he pulled my head up by my hair,

"Dont worry, not many women will ever be in your place. And many of them would love to be" he says kissing my lips as I almost threw up in my mouth,

"Now let's take you back by to your bedroom dear" he says untying my arms as I waited till he freedom both of my arms and legs,

I spit the rag out of my mouth before kicking him in the crotch area and running off hearing him groan. Stupid dumbass thought I would stay with him forever? Ha!

I ran down the hallway trying to find the exit to this big ass mansion. My gosh this place is like a freakin maze.

I stopped when I came to a room full of his men talking. I was about to turn back before a pair of arms wrapped around my mouth and my waist. I immediately started kicking and squirming as the person shushes me. I tried to get out of the persons arm before I was being shoved into a dark room with the persons arm still around me.

As soon as the lights came on a face I'd never thought I'd see in a million years came into view as I almost started crying happily.

"Belly are you okay?" Logan asks as I hug him tightly,

"You've came back to me" I say as tears flowed down my face hearing logans chuckles,

"I've never stopped looking for you" he says rubbing my back as I sniffled,

"Now, we have to hurry. Sebastian and the rest of the guys are coming in a bit." He whispers before a loud voice interrupted us,

"Find her now! Don't stop till you've find my wife!" Christian shouts from the other side of the door,

"Wife?" Logan asks as I shook my head,

"I'll tell you about that later, but for now....what about Sebastian?" I ask excitedly as he smiles,

"We're gonna give it a few sec-" before he finished a loud explosion ran through the mansion,

"Thats our que" he says before throwing me over his shoulder and running out of the closet as I noticed the men running around hurriedly,

"Logan!" I hear Hugh shout before I was set into another pair of arms,

"Take her to the car, I gotta go help Sebas" Logan says grabbing one of Hughs firearm as I held on tightly to Hugh,

"Time to go princess" he whispers before I watch him move quickly out of the shooting range of the mansian,

"Bring me back my wife!" I hear Christian shout before Hugh ran out of the mansion as the view of SUV'S came up,

"We've gotta go" Hugh says quickly putting my in the passenger seat before jumping into the drivers seat and driving off hearing gunshots and more explosions coming from the mansion,

"Your father is waiting for us a few miles down this way, Sebastian promised to meet us there in a bit." Hugh says as I nod while watching the horrid place I've been staying at for two months move farther away,

Thank god.

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