Chapter 47: Logan...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Still nothing?" I ask Sean as he nods while avoiding eye contact with me,

"It's been 5 years belly, maybe he is-" before Luis could continue I cut him off,

"No! If you continue that sentence, I swear to god I'll have one of my men shoot you right now" I reply while gripping the gun Sebastian bought for me on our honeymoon,

"Sweetie, you haven't been eating as much and you've been sleeping only 2 hours these past few years. Why don't you take a break or get some fresh air once in a while?" My dad asks standing in front of Sebastians desk I was sitting behind of now,

"No. If I was missing, Sebastian would never do any of that to find me. How is it that I have the three most powerful mafia gang leaders in this room right now, and yet NONE of you guys have been able to find my husband for the past FIVE years!?" I shout getting angry as Sean, Yahir, and my father avoided eye contact when I stood up,

"You are all useless to me! Get out! Now!" I shout as they all quickly left my husbands office making me sit back in Sebastians desk chair frustrated and confused,

How the fuck did I let my husband slip out of my hands so easily?! I knew one of these missions he was always going on was going to mess up badly but I never knew it was going to be messed up like this.

Ever since the phone call we had 5 years ago when I was with Sean binge watching Viola Davis movies, I haven't heard the voice of husband ever again.

The week after I had the phone call, Sebastians father Steven who was supposed to return back from the mission with my husband, returned back by himself and two other gang members.

He was deeply injured and the two members he was returning with barely could breath by the time they returned with him. They died a few seconds after the hospital took them in but Steven was in a coma for six weeks before he could wake up and tell me the news of his youngest son and my loving husband.

"I tried so hard to keep my eyes on my boy, but as soon as the grenade hit in our direction, my men couldn't find a single trace of him. All the blood and bodies on that battle field and yet not a single ounce of all that was a sign of my son" Was the words that came out of Stevens mouth the minute his eyes landed on mine when I walked into his hospital room when the doctors told me he was awake,

Steven was fully healed three months after that and just as I was doing, he was searching for my Sebastian.

It doesn't make any sense, a whole land filled with dead bodies and yet non of them were Sebastians. Steven said Sebastian was badly injured during the time he called me, so how did he manage to leave that battlefield without a trace or a sign showing where he was? Or if he was.......alive?

"Belly" A voice says behind me as I barely noticed Logan never left the office the whole time I was thinking to myself,

"I thought I dismissed everyone already, what do you want?" I ask nonchalantly opening the side drawer to Sebastians desk to pull out one of the large bottles of Vodka I started stashing there a few months after finding out my husband was missing,

"I know what happened with Sebastian has turned your whole life around, but your father along with the rest of us, are worried about you. The first two years you started acting out and changing your behavior, we didn't say anything because we understand you were trying to do everything you can to get your mind off the problem. But now the past three years, your acting out has only gotten worse! Your drinking like a greasy old man at a low budget bar, your shoving food away as if it's poisonous, and all the make up you use on your face isn't helping out the dark circle under your eyes from all the years you've been forcing yourself to stay awake to obsess over your missing husband!" He snaps while snatching the bottle of Vodka out of my hand as I was about to drink from it,

"Fuck you Logan! You don't understand the fucking pain I'm going through right now! How the fuck am I supposed to stay a positive and loving mother to my kids that are sleeping upstairs, if their father is no where around?! I can't fucking sleep because every time I close my eyes, I keep seeing my husbands dead body somewhere in a ditch! I can't even look at food anymore without thinking about how my husband can be out in the middle of no where starving to death while I'm in this big ass fucking mansion eating all the food he managed to have our guards buy with all the money he brought into our family by putting his life at risk every single fucking day!" I shout slamming my hands on the desk before standing up angrily shoving everything off the desk,

"I can't do it anymore!" I shout pushing the desk chair away as it hit the wall with a loud thud,

"I can't be the perfect mom and gang leader wife I'm supposed to be in front of everyone. I need him, Logan" I say slowly realizing my eyes were watery and my heart was thumping so hard trying to get out of my chest,

"It's okay" Logan says pulling me into his arms as I released all the tears I've been holding in for the past five years,

"I can't live without my husband. I miss him so much" I mutter into Logan's chest as he hugged me tighter,

"I know" Logan says rubbing my back as I tried to steady my breathing while trying to wipe my tears on his black button up shirt,

"We'll never stop looking for him belly" Logan says gently running his hand through my hair as I nod my head in his chest,

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and in bed. It's about time you get a good nights rest" Logan continue on as I decide not to protest since he was already picking me body up to carry me upstairs,

"Get some of the men to clean up her office" Logan says to my guard outside of my office as he nods before heading inside while Logan continued to carry me upstairs,

"I can walk, you don't have to treat me like my husband used to" I say rolling my eyes as Logan laughs while walking into my empty bedroom I barely come into anymore since I have no one to sleep with in here,

"Come on" Logan sighs while helping me take off my sweater and shoes I was wearing,

"Brush your teeth then come to bed, I'm not leaving till you do so" He says handing me one of my pjs while gesturing me to go in my bathroom,

I walked inside my bathroom to change into my pjs before turning on the sink to start brushing my teeth.

After doing all that, I threw my wavy brown hair up in a messy bun before walking out of my bathroom seeing Logan laying in my bed waiting for me to lay next to him.

"I don't need a baby sitter, I can sleep fine on my own" I say getting under my blanket as Logan smirks while scooting closer to me,

"You barely can sleep without waking up in cold sweat in less than 2 hours. Yes your guards do tell me everything you do when I ask them to check on you every day when I'm not here. I'm here to make sure you finally can have a full nights rest" He replies while wrapping his arms around me as I rolled my eyes,

"How the heck are you gonna do that? What are you a magician or something?" I snort back with a scoff as he chuckles,

"When we were kids and you lost your puppy that your dad gave you on your tenth birthday, I remember you used to get these nightmares in the middle of the night and wake up in cold sweat. Your father was always gone on his missions, Linda was a heavy sleeper, Luis room was down the hall from yours, and my mother's room was downstairs where no one can hear you waking up in the middle of the night. Since our rooms were right next to each other, I decided to check up on you that night. Do you remember what happened when I came into your room that night?" He asks while massaging my back as I nod,

"You laid next to me on my bed and helped me go back to sleep. My dads bodyguard didn't like it in the morning but I was happy that I finally got to sleep without any nightmares that night" I answer back with a sigh as Logan leans down to plant a kiss on my forehead,

"I'll protect you in your real life and in your dreams" He comments before pulling me against his body so we could go to sleep already,

I mean he was right about the protecting thing, but I think the only reason why I didn't have nightmares that night many years ago when he lays next to me is probably because I finally had someone to cuddle with for the first time besides Linda who loved to cuddle me when we had movie nights in my room as a kid.

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