Chapter 12: I love you...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Linda asks as I sniffled while wiping my tears,

"Its to much for me right now" I replied with a sob as she rubs my back with a frown,

"I love him so much but all this gang stuff is to much on my side. It seems that the more we're together the more of me ending up kidnapped. One of these days someone is going to kill me and all because Im engaged to the most feared gang leader in the world. Im just to scared right now" I say wiping my tears even more as Linda pulls my head onto her lap while rubbing my head softly,

"It seems scary now but you have to remember the fact that that man downstairs is trying his hardest to do everything he can to keep you in his life because he loves you more than anything. You know for a fact that he'll do anything to keep you by his side. Yeah there are people who are trying to sabotage your love life here and there but there's always going to be people like that in life growing up. Remember when I dated Leo from the coffee shop?" She asks as I nodded,

"Remember how badly he wanted to be with me but my brothers and your father never approved of him?" She asks as I nod,

"But he still kept his promise of being by my side through that?" She asks as I got up with a confused look,

"Wait, but didn't you guys break up anyways because you didn't think he was good enough for you?" I ask as she froze,

"Yeah but anyway the moral of the story was that we stayed together for a long time because it didn't mattered what other people thought of our relationship because at the end of the day the fight we did for our love was what mattered more than anything." She says as I nod while blowing my nose with the tissue from the third tissue box on my bed,

"Your right, maybe I am over exaggerating" I say wiping my puffy eyes and runny nose as she pulled me towards her kissing the top of my head,

"Just fix yourself up right now and then go run down there and tell your man how much you wanna make love to him" she says with a smirk as I laughed before pushing myself away from her,

"I'm gonna go to JUST talk to him" I say with wide eyes as she laughs before throwing a tissue box at me as I walked out of the room,

I walked downstairs towards his office hearing voices inside before I reached for the door knob I stopped when I heard Sebastians voice.

"Look I know that you chose me to run the family gang but I can't. I need to give up my place" I heard him say before his fathers voice followed,

"You can't give up your place in this family! I gave up everything to make you the next feared gangleader and your going to give it up like that?" His father asks angrily before Sebastian replied back,

"I almost lost the woman I loved because of your fucking gang shit! You trained me to become the man I am today and to do whatever I want, well I want out! That young woman up there crying her eyes out is the only reason I wake up in the morning and if she walks out of my life because of me choosing to stay as a gangleader than I swear on my life I'll raise hell on everything you've made this gang to be" He says back as my heart raced at what he just said about me,

"I'm not going to leave you!" I shouted opening the doors as they turned to me surprised,

"You don't have to leave your gang for me babe, I love you for what you are gangleader or not" I say running into his arms as he stood there taken back,

"Continue the wedding, just please don't stop what your doing for me" I say with a frown while hugging him tightly as he wraps his arms around me with a sigh,

"I thought you were angry about m-" before he finished I pulled away cutting him off with a kiss as he froze,

"I love you Sebastian Black, and by saying that I'll take on what ever comes through our relationship. I know bad things will happen in our relationship but if I truly loved you, especially if I was going to be the woman who marries the most feared gangleader in the world, I'll face it head on and not run from it" I say with a wide smile as he looks at me before turning his dad who was smiling at me,

"I love you too baby" he says with a chuckle before kissing me as his dad cheers,

"Lets get this wedding going how it supposed to now" His dad says with a smile as I laugh before hugging my fiance tightly.

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