Chapter 45: With Sean...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Out of everyone we know, you were the only one Sebastian asked to come watch me?" I ask confused at the fact that Sean was watching me while Sebastian was working,

"Some work emergency happened last night and your husbands emergency phone call besides you was me on his phone. Meaning, while everyone else is helping him out with that, I get to be your binge watching, junk food eating, and laying in bed partner until then" He says scooting next to me on my bed as I rolled my eyes,

"I don't get why your being like this if this isn't even the first time we've been in bed together" he says winking at me as I glared back,

"Yes and the only difference now is that Im married to your brother who's the father to my now two children" I say patting my belly as he chuckles,

"Married or not, I'll still be here for you whether you both like it or not" He replies before grabbing something from my night stand as I looked over before gasping when he pulled out my large bag of candy I hid in the back of the drawer,

"How did-" before I finished he cut me off with a laugh,

"My brother may be secretive about some stuff in his life but the stuff you do in the bedroom is not one" He replies with another wink before I slapped his arm with a gasp,

"I hate you both" I mutter as he laughs before a knock at the door was heard,

"Sir, your food delivery is here" One of the security guards I remember Sebastian always has protecting our bedroom door says knocking on the door as Sean got up with an excited look on his face,

"Yes! Thanks Otis, you can continue your great work" Sean says handing him a hundred dollar bill as the security guard looked at him confused when he closed the door again after grabbing the food from his hands,

"Two pizzas boxes, two large coke bottles, two double chocolate chip pizzas, two large M&Ms bags, two large licorice jars, two family size bags of both hot fries and hot Cheetos, two large cinnamon roll boxes, two boxes of your favorite pop tarts, and two plates of Chinese food. Sebastian told me your order already so I remembered" Sean says handing me the plate of Chinese food as I laughed at the rest of the food he was placing around the large king sized bed me and Sebastian owned,

"Did you really have to order two large sizes of everything you ordered?" I ask as he sat next to me on the bed with his plate of Chinese food,

"Well your husband might be gone for a long time, might as well stock up for the baby now than to get out of this soft comfy bed later" he says grabbing the remote to the tv while turning it on as I shrugged before starting to eat,

"Hand me one of the plastic cups so I could drink some Coke" I say before starting to eat my plate as Sean opened the large bottle of coke to pour inside the plastic white cups he also had brought with the food he ordered Sebastians men to bring up,

"What show are we going to be binge watching today?" Sean asks while handing me my cup now as I smiled at the large tv Sebastian bought when I was pregnant with Hugo and he didn't want me to leave the bed,

"How to get away with murder! I'm almost finished with season 5, and plus Gabriel is my ultimate favorite character because he's so hot, but don't tell your brother I said that" I say quickly remembering Sebastian hated whenever I fan girl any hot male character in a show or movie,

"What is it about?" Sean asks as I let out a exaggerating gasp,

"You don't watch Viola Davis films?!" I gasp as he looked even more confused,

"You don't know who Viola Davis is?! How dare you?! She is literally one of the greatest actresses in the world! I guess we're going to have to binge watch her movies first before you get the honor of watching her show" I reply with a shocked expression as he looked back at me still confused,

"Let's start off with the help since personally that was my favorite film she was in, besides the madea goes to jail one she was also in" I ramble on while playing the help movie on Netflix,

As the movie started me and Sean started eating our plates before I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answer while eating my food,

"Kitten?" A familiar rugged voice asks on the phone as I looked down seeing a unknown number,

"Sebastian?" I ask putting my plate down as Sean looked at me confused,

"Are you okay?" My husband asks on the phone as I noticed his voice sounded strain,

"Sebastian? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly as Sean got up quickly reaching for his phone to call someone,

"I'm fine, are you and Hugo okay?" He ask as I looked at our son sleeping in his crib next to the bed I was on,

"Yes, Hugo's asleep and I'm with Sean. Sebastian tell me what's happening" I say getting up to stand next to Hugo's crib,

"I'm gonna be gone for a few more days but I don't want you to worry. I guess I just have more business I need to finish with some people before I can go back to you and Hugo" He says out of breath as I gasp when the sound of shooting and shouting in the background was heard,

"Sebastian, where are you? Please talk to me. Are you okay? Do you need me to come to y-" before I could finish he cut me off,

"Stay with Sean, he's the only person I know who can protect you as much as I can. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. I don't want you to look for me, just stay with our son and keep him safe. I'll call as soon I know I can come back home" he says as the sounds of gunshots and yelling was getting closer,

"Sebastian please tell me your okay" I say feeling my eyes start to water,

"I love you kitten. Stay with Sean and I promise to come back home as soon as I can" he says quickly before hanging up as I sniffles while looking down at Hugo who looked exactly like his father who could be hurt or about to die now,

"I just got off the phone with my father, Sebastian and his men were ambushed by one of the lion brothers but my father and his men are already heading over there to help him" Sean says standing in front of me now as I try to stop the tears from falling only to fail when Sean finished what he was saying,

"Hey, don't cry. It's going to be okay" Sean says pulling me into his arms as I cry into his chest,

"I know I shouldn't worry since he's been doing this type of stuff since before I've been with him and also my own father does this type of stuff, but this stupid pregnancy stuff is making me emotional right now" I say with a sniffle as he laughs while rubbing my back,

"He's gonna make it back safe and sound. I mean, I would too, if I had you two to come home to" he says as I pull away seeing him look down at me the same way he did three years ago when he told me he loved me,

"Well, let's get back to the movie" I say trying to change the awkward moment that was happening between us,

"Yeah, let's do it" He replies seeing how uncomfortable I was trying to change the subject,

"Cheers" I say holding my cup up as he copies me before we laughed while the movie The Help started playing on the tv.


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