1# One Way to Be Wicked

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I do a high pitched laugh, enjoying messing with Ursula's mind yet again. Making her spin and turn, yelling at us kids about her getting revenge. I laugh yet again, I swing my sword at a net holding moldy food that she was going to sell. I run away quickly, hiding in the shadows while she cursed again, throwing her arms in the air and pointing down at the only food we had. What? This is what pirates do, we steal, do devious stunts and well, be pirates.

"You little foul toad! I will get you one of these days!" Ursula yelled, spinning around in a circle.

I chuckled, running away from the scene and going down the moldy, messy streets of the Isle. Currently the most baddest of them all is the one and only, Maleficent, making everyone still cower in fear but let's say. She doesn't scare me, along with her little brat, Mal. Also speaking of Mal, she oddly threw a party but she was like her mother, she hated parties. She hated laughing, smiling, she hated everything like her mother.

I turn the corner, strutting down the streets of the Isle, everyone staring at me while I held out my sword. Let's just say, I didn't care if everyone stared at me like I was crazy because we are meant to be crazy. Right? I stop, turning my head and smirking deviously at my younger sister.

"Hey, Carla."

Carla turned around, her sword in her sword holder, talking to the Queen of Hearts daughter. "Hey there, Avery. Causing trouble?"

I rolled my eyes, putting the tip of my sword on my pirate hat. "What else would we do on this god forsaken island that he," I threw my sword at a poster of King Beast, aiming it in between his eyes, "prisoned us here."

Someone gasped, making me look back in boredom. "I have to go to Mal's party before I get vanished!  Come on guys!" Lily says, running down the streets.

"Child's game. A child's game threat, why would Mal do that?"

"To cause some trouble?" My sister declared, raising a eyebrow.

I opened my mouth, a idea coming to mind. "And where is this party?"

"Um, Carlos De Vil's house."

I laughed mischievously, walking towards the wall that held my sword. I wrap my fingers around the handle, ripping it out of the wall. "Let's go then." I say, licking my lips. "I wanna cause trouble."

I grabbed my sister's arm, pulling her behind me while I strutted down the messy, moldy street, while I just smirked on ahead.
I knock on the door, my sister and I waiting on the front porch. Carla sighed, tilting her head back and looking around the yard.

"I wanna burn something." I mumble, looking at one of Cruela De Vil's pictures. "Like that."

The door bursted open, revealing Carlos De Vil. His jaw dropped surprisingly, mostly looking at me. "Go away!"

I huff, pushing him aside. "Talk to you later."

I walk around the house, all of the villains sons and daughters running around, freshman at school here as well. I chuckled, noticing my older sister and her possy surrounded around her.

"Oh Carla. Just be glad that we're not in a group." I say, looking down at my sister.

She shrugged, looking around the room. "Mal did this? I don't believe it."

"That's why I'm leaving." I say, walking back to the door.

"What?" Carla says, following me back to the door. "We just got here."

"Which is why I don't believe I'm going to get banned from the Isle." I say, about to leave before Mal came in front of me.

"Where are you going? Didn't you hear I'm going to banned you."

Carlos DeVil {No Other Way}Where stories live. Discover now