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On a beautiful sunday evening, aunt Nkay came over to the house with her kids, Joel and Prisca. It was our usual family hang out and mom didn't have to beg dad to let her go. He wasn't around anymore, he was seven seas away!

Mom dressed me up and did same too. She wore a multicolored trouser with a black sleeveless top. She applied very light makeup on her face to hide the faded scars, a deep red lipstick adorned her lips.

Since dad left for Australia, mom had become a new being. Her esteem and confidence skyrocketing to the sky. She was no longer the shy hideous woman who was so much afraid of her spouse. Dad's travel opened up her closed life and she realised living was more fun.

We finally got to the Kiddies Play Ville. It was my favorite spot and that of her kids too. We were clocked in moments later and happily joined the other kids running  in and out the various toy houses. Mom and her friend were seated right opposite us, a green transparent glass was used as a demarcation. They kept smiling and nodding at us as we jumped about happily.

An hour later maybe, Joel, Prisca and I came out briefly to have a drink, food items were not allowed inside the play room. We were sweating profusely, a good proof of our hard work. Aunt Nkay offered to get our drinks and mom was grateful for that.

Seconds after she left, her phone began to ring. She had forgotten it on the table which was quite unlike her. She goes everywhere with it and never ever misses a call. She was her phone addict!

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