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    smut warning

      "He hasn't changed at all!" Marvin cried out as he chewed his lip, clinging nervously to Charlotte. She just laughed, moving so Whizzer could look at Marvin. Charlotte and Cordelia had decided to take Marvin to a game in the city to get him out of the house. They hadn't expected Whizzer to show up in the row in front of them. 

     "Well, his hairline seems kind of shorter?" 

     "No it doesn't. He looks perfect." Marvin grumbled as he slouched his face in his hands, looking at Whizzer annoyed in front of him. He couldn't stand how the other made him feel, it was some sort of uneasy and sickeningly feelings. The person at bat scored, causing Whizzer to get up and cheer. Marvin couldn't help but look to his ass, quickly looking away as the man sat down and turned around to face him.

     "Want a picture? It'll last longer." Whizzer teased, smirking to the other a little. He loved seeing Marvin go red in the face and look away grumpily.

     "Don't you have some boy you'd rather be banging then coming to a stupid baseball game?"

     "Thanks for reminding me why we broke up. I gave all of that up after you." Marvin looked away a little guiltily, Cordelia and Charlotte giggling in the corner as they elbowed him. 

     "No you didn't-"

     "Yes, Marvin, I did." He said seriously, looking deeply into Marvin's eyes. 

     "Do you want to... Talk?" The murmur that came out of Marvin's mouth was nearly inaudible, but Whizzer knew him well enough to nod and follow him to an empty bathroom below the stadium. The two stood across from each other, hot tension lingering in the air.

     "You've changed. Sorta, kinda."

     "You still look amazing." 

     "You too." Whizzer walked over to Marvin, placing his hands on his hips as he moved his face closer to the other. Marvin pulled back, looking almost afraid as he pushed himself against the wall.



     "I can't disappoint you again." Marvin nearly yelled back to Whizzer, seeing the other look hurt. 

     "You didn't-"

      "Yes I did. I was never... Enough. For you. You're special, Whiz. Not everyone deserves you, and I certainly didn't. And don't." He nearly laughed as he slid against the wall, putting his head in his knees as he sat on the old floor. Whizzer moved over slowly, not wanting to frighten the other again.

     "Nobody's that special, Marvin. Not even me... I'm flawed in many ways. Maybe more than you. But what matters is I still love you... And I want you to love me too." He whispered the last part, looking away in some pain as he got too close to Marvin. Marvin's hand moved close to Whizzer's, entangling their fingers together as they refused to make eye contact.

     "Damnit, Whizzer, I love you too..." He bit his lip to keep from crying, Whizzer taking him into his arms as if on cue. Marvin used to run his hands through his hair, so now as they sat curled together, Whizzer ran his hand through Marvin's hair lovingly as he held him in his free arm.

     "Can we ditch this game?" He whispered into the other's ear, earning a nod from him. They walked out of the bathroom hand in hand, stumbling their way into Whizzer's run down car. The lot was empty, everyone was watching the game. Marvin knew he couldn't wait any longer for the other, so he took Whizzer by the hips and pushed him against the car, connecting their lips.

     "God, I missed this." Whizzer managed through a moan, kissing Marvin back deeply. Marvin's hands squeezed down Whizzer's hips down to his ass, giving it a playful slap as Whizzer swiped his tongue against Marvin's lips, asking for access. Marvin opened his mouth willingly, feeling the others tongue slip into his mouth and smiled into the kiss. Whizzer started grinding a little against Marvin, feeling the other grow hotter in his grasps.

     "Wait... Until we get to your place." He smirked, shoving him a little but bringing him into another kiss before getting into the all too familiar car. As they drove, Whizzer kept his hand on Marvin's thigh, squeezing it in his hands and smiling at the familiar feeling. 

     "You have no idea how much I missed you. Everyday, Marv."

      "I thought you moved on..."

      "I tried. I couldn't. Not from you." He smiled to Marvin, feeling the others hand over his on his leg. 

     "I-I didn't. I guess... I was waiting for someone to come along who was as great as Whizzer." Marvin laughed as Whizzer shook his head in disbelief. They pulled into Whizzer's apartment building, giggling the whole way up as they ran up the stairs to his flat. Whizzer pinned Marvin against the wall as soon as they walked in, kissing him again. They were both hot and fairly aroused, desperate for the touch of the other. Marvin's hand trailed over Whizzer's face, holding his chin on an angle so he had the best access to the others lips. Even after months, Marvin didn't forget how to get to Whizzer's bedroom, leading him as they kissed messily, and pushing him to the bed and crawling over him. He straddled him between his legs, unbuttoning the rest of his v neck shirt as he kissed down his chest. Whizzer took Marvin's sweatshirt off swiftly, smiling at his work. In only seemingly seconds, both of them were stripped down to their boxers as they made out.

     "You still thrill me like crazy." Marvin whispered, kissing and biting hickeys from Whizzer's neck down to his collarbone. Whizzer let out a long moan, feeling the bulge grow between his legs as Marvin attacked his neck, pulling him down closer to his body.

    "I've wanted you for three months and twenty three days. Please, Marvin, take me again." He looked with desperation to Marvin, seeing the other smile as he pulled down his boxers. 

     "I forgot how big you were..." He let out a moan as he kissed the top of his hips, searching the bed stand to the second drawer down and to the back, remembering exactly where Whizzer kept his condoms. He rolled on one quickly, looking back to see Whizzer red faced and panting for Marvin's touch. Whizzer was quick to pull down Marvin's boxers, throwing them aside as he ran a hand down his chest.

     "Y-You're sure you want this, right?"

      "Please, Marvin. Fuck me, right here, right now." Marvin didn't need anymore convincing as he pushed into Whizzer as he grabbed his hips tightly in his hands. Whizzer reached up quickly to grab Marvin's back, racking his fingers down to leave fresh red marks. Marvin let out a moan as he remembered how amazing the other felt, soon getting a moan from Whizzer as well. He started to thrust in faster, Whizzer only gripping tighter.

     "H-Harder, faster... Fuck, Marvin." Whizzer was quite loud, and Marvin smiled as he heard the familiar rasp to his voice. He pushed in farther, feeling himself hit the others prostate and hearing a sharp gasp of air coming from Whizzer.

     "Right there." Whizzer moaned out again, pulling Whizzer farther down on him. Marvin leant down to kiss Whizzer, quite sloppily and wet, but nonetheless full of love and erotic passion.

     "I'm gonna come, Whiz." He grit his teeth together as he felt Whizzer tighten around his cock, his breathing becoming quick as he released into the other. As soon as Marvin came, Whizzer was soon to follow, his voice deep as he moaned. His cum sprayed onto the bedsheets and Marvin's stomach, blushing nearly embarrassed as the other pulled out to throw the condom out. They collapsed next to each other, breathing and panting heavily as the air around them went still. It was almost natural as Marvin threw his arm around Whizzer's chest, holding him tight against his body.

     "I love you. Everything about you. Not just the sex. A lot." Whizzer said quietly as his eyes closed, holding one of Marvin's hands tightly.

     "I love you too, baby."


a.n: dhfksagiwoffsu ya hoe got into falsettos and its the best thing thats ever happened to me and i love,, these boys,, i couldn't not make a book for them.

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