High School Sweethearts

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    this is a cringe n cliche ,, tw: homophobia

     Marvin was adorned in an old red sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants from his older brother, and he never felt more self conscious than he did in class. He knew all the eyes in the room weren't on him, but it sure felt like it. The whole class, he was chewing on his nails and looking around nervously. He was quite low on the social class, not really classifying as anything but some kind of geeky loner. It didn't help that he had it hard for the schools most adorned boy, Whizzer Brown. Every class he had with him he would try to catch his eye, only to blush madly and look away whenever the other looked back at him. 

    He had his books close to his chest as he looked down at the floor, trying to avoid having to talk to anyone in the hallway. It would've gone fine if someone taller than him didn't crash into him, causing him to fall to the ground with his books. 

    "Oh fuck, I'm sorry." The voice belonged to a guy, and as Marvin looked up his expression turned horrified to see it was none other than Whizzer.

    "N-No it's okay, it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going..." He said with a small laugh, scurrying to pick up his things and stand back up again. Whizzer smiled, finding it quite adorable how the other brushed himself off.

    "I'm Whizzer. I think we have next period together?"

    "I'm Marvin. A-And yes, I think we do." He said with an awkward smile, walking alongside the boy to their next class. Instead of sitting in the very back of the class alone, today Whizzer sat next to him. He tried to contain a smile tugging on his lips, keeping his eyes on the teacher in front of him to distract himself. At one point, he felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Whizzer hand him a book he had dropped earlier. He mouthed a "Thank you" before flicking through the pages out of habit. A small piece of paper fell out, and as Marvin picked it up his face light up bright red. It was a series of numbers, Whizzer's number. Or at least, he hoped. He looked over to the other boy to see him throw a wink and Marvin looked away quick in embarrassment.

    The school day couldn't have gone by slower, Marvin thought to himself as he closed his locker. He was faced with Whizzer, giving him a dazzling smile. 

    "Wanna come over to my place?" Whizzer knew it was going out on a limb, but from the way the boy had reacted from his phone number he deemed it worth trying. Marvin nodded quickly, slinging his bag over his shoulder as they walked to Whizzer's house.

    "I'm home, and I have a friend with me." The taller one yelled, quickly trying to coax Marvin up the stairs. He winced as he heard footsteps coming, shooing Marvin more up the stairs.

    "Just a friend, eh?" A man who appeared to be his dad said gruffly, looking disapprovingly to Whizzer.

    "Yes, just a friend."

    "Good. I don't want another queer in my house."

    "Fuck off." Whizzer grumbled, following Marvin to his room at the end of the hall. Marvin was sitting on his bed, shaking a little as Whizzer walked in.


     "I'm gay, yeah." He said tiredly, falling onto the bed beside Marvin.

     "I am too." He whispered back, looking to the floor beside him anxiously.

    "Don't let my dad know. He's... Not very accepting." He tried, laughing a little bit as he looked to Marvin.

    "I'm sorry.." Was all that Marvin managed to say, his fingers lingering dangerously close to Whizzer's. Whizzer knew exactly what he was doing as he moved his hand closer to Marvin's, yet pretending it was natural.

    "W-Why am I here?"


    "Why did you invite me over?"

    "Oh... You interest me. You're so quiet but you have so much to say when you talk. Don't think I don't catch you looking at me, but you should know I try to catch your eye too... Simply put, I like you." Marvin held his knees up to his chest in some shock, looking over to Whizzer with wide eyes as their hands finally connected.

    "I-I like you too. Thanks, for having me over and stuff." He smiled meekly to Whizzer, squeezing his hand a little as they sat in silence for a few moments.

    "Tell me more about you, Marv. I want to get to know you."

    "There's not much to know... My parents are divorced, I have a brother who couldn't hate me more and... I work at the grocery store on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. N-Now you." Whizzer giggled a little, causing Marvin to hide his face and blush a little.

    "You're so fucking cute. I live with my Dad, my Mom left when I was young. I do track and yoga... And for some reason people like me for it." Marvin couldn't help but smile at the other when he spoke, every word intrigued him.

    "Does anyone else know? T-That you're gay."

    "Nah. Except a few guys on the football team who needed to get off... And being the person I am I had to help them. You?" He joked, but at the same time being quite serious. It was the only way for him to have some pleasure without a boyfriend, which he desperately longed for yet feared he couldn't have because of his Dad.

    "My friend, well, only friend, Mendel. He's always off with his girlfriend though, Trina." Marvin's voice was quiet as he noticed their hands still connected, he watched as Whizzer noticed as well yet both boys stayed in the same position.

    "Hey, I'm your friend now... Right?"

    "M-Maybe more?" Marvin hoped what he said was inaudible, but Whizzer had a smile going from ear to ear as he sat up to move closer to Marvin, taking his chin in his hand.

    "I'd like that." He whispered before Marvin connected their lips suddenly, kissing him deeply and holding Whizzer by the sides of his face. Whizzer pushed Marvin slowly down onto the bed, Marvin happily obliging but flipping them over so he was on top. The other was happily surprised to see the dominance overcoming the shorter boy, and smirked into the kiss. Marvin grabbed onto Whizzer's hair, pulling it a little and earning a small moan from the other. Their bliss lasted for seconds until a knocking sounded at Whizzer's door. Whizzer pushed Marvin off of him, and Marvin tumbled off the bed but tried to look normal as the man walked into the room.

    "What do you want." Whizzer growled, fixing his hair quickly.

    "Tell your friend to go home, we're having dinner."

    "What if I invited him over for dinner?"

     "Then too bad."

    "Marvin will be staying for dinner, and then if he so desires he can stay the night." Whizzer said simply, sitting down next to Marvin on the floor and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

    "Yea, and I'll be the Queen of England. You can either get rid of the boy or get out of this house." His father mumbled angrily, and Marvin looking to Whizzer with a quick nod as if some sort of communication.

    "W-Whizzer's welcome to come to my house."

    "I'll take that offer." Whizzer said as he didn't take his eyes off of his father, feeling Marvin take his hand as they exited the room. 

    "I was-"

    "Sorry, lost your chance Dad." Whizzer had a huge smile on his face as he walked with Marvin out the door, hearing it slam behind them.

    "Hey I can just find a place to stay for the night it's okay-"

    "I couldn't just leave my boyfriend, could I?" Marvin said with a small wink, holding Whizzer's hand tight in his own as they walked down the dimly lit sidewalk. Whizzer stopped them under a streetlight, pulling Marvin into a passionate kiss.

    "Everything will be alright." Marvin whispered to Whizzer with a small smile, the boy pulling him into a hug as tears fell down his face.


a.n: hey i love this ship in act two 

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