It's Been So Long Since I Could Tell

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so this is my personal hc how whizzer and marvin met?

    Marvin couldn't help but bite down on his lips nervously as he stood outside the bar. It was the local "gay" bar in town, and as far as Trina knew he was out for a baseball game with some work friends. His whole life he had the aching feelings that women weren't quite what he wanted. He never had the courage to actually do anything about it until now. His family always told him to get a good straight family, raise a child or two, and die happily. There was no way he could die happily if he was married to Trina. 

   He took a deep breath, about to walk in when he bumped into another man who seemed to be rushing out. Their eyes met, and Marvin felt something shoot between them. It wasn't love, definitely not, but something. Marvin was flustered immediately, trying to form words into saying a simple "sorry" but just coming out as stutters.

   "You heading in?" The man said simply, motioning to the stairs to the club called "Babylon". Marvin nodded, leaning back on his heels.


   "You've never been here... I would've seen you before." The man looked over Marvin, a smirk tugging on his lips.

   "Sure I have. Just not on the nights you have-"

   "Darling, I'm here every night. You looking for some fun? I'm Whizzer." Whizzer introduced quickly, leaning against the stairwell outside the building.

   "I-I... Yes. I'm Marvin... I don't really have a place to go back to." He didn't realize how awkward he was being, neither did he notice how red his face was getting.

   "Come back to mine, it's just around the corner." Whizzer took Marvin by the hand, walking them quickly down to his apartment. Marvin was a mess. He didn't know how he could even start with Whizzer. Whizzer is what he craved he could of been, so open and easy with his sexuality.

    "You new in town?" Whizzer tried to make quick small talk on their short walk, eventually getting to the apartment building.

   "Yeah." Marvin said simply, making it seem like he had done this before and he hadn't been to the club since it was a new environment. Whizzer cocked an eyebrow, hearing a hint of uneasiness in the others tone but ignoring it. They managed to get into Whizzer's apartment, and in seconds Whizzer's lips were on Marvin's. Marvin gasped, not ever having kissed a boy. Whizzer, on the other hand, had no idea that this was Marvin's first. 

   Marvin kissed back, grabbing at Whizzer's opened shirt and feeling the skin beneath it. Whizzer moaned, leaning his hips into Marvin's. Marvin tried to remember what he would do if it were Trina or some other girl, wrapping his arms around Whizzer's waist and lowering them down to his hips slowly. Whizzer made a noise that sounded like a purr, moving his lips to kiss and bite a little at Marvin's jaw. He guided them to his bed, pushing Marvin down. Marvin wouldn't let Whizzer think he was going to be the dominant one, and from what he had discovered he would not be happy bottoming. He pushed Whizzer over so he was on top, smirking to Whizzer as he started unbuttoning the rest of Whizzer's shirt.

   "Someone likes being in charge, hm?" 

   "Like you could even try to top." Marvin growled softly, Whizzer blushing a little. The fact that Whizzer blushed made Marvin's heart flutter, taking off his own shirt as he sat atop the others hips. Whizzer noticed the blush, and suddenly the pieces connected.

   "Oh my god... You've never done this." Whizzer started chuckling, his eyes sparkling. Marvin looked aside, coughing nervously. He propped himself up against the bed, looking into Marvin's eyes.

   "You have a wife. You were going to the club... Oh, Marvin. This'll be fun." Whizzer smiled, looking to the tiny band on Marvin's finger that he had forgotten to take off.

   "I have to... I have to divorce her. I can't take it, I have a kid but... Women don't do anything to me." Whizzer nodded slowly, moving closer to Marvin and just connecting their lips.

   "Did that do anything?" He whispered, still holding Marvin's jaw in his fingers.

   "S-Sorta, kinda... Yes." Marvin stammered out, blown away of how good Whizzer's lips felt against his. 

   "You've never had sex with another man."


    "I've been with plenty, I'll help you." 

   "Is this normal? For people like us? To just sleep around and not... Not find someone to settle down with? Like a family?" Marvin seemed to be asking a million questions, causing Whizzer's smile to fade a little with a huff.

   "It's normal for some of "us", just like it would be normal for any person. Some guys have really good families... Others are like you, cheating on their wives." Whizzer played with a wink, causing Marvin to almost scowl but melt at Whizzer's playfulness.

    "We're not going to be together anymore, I swear." He laughed quietly, his hands smoothing over the bed sheets that he could only imagine had been slept on with many men so many times.

    "Good..." Whizzer murmured as he took Marvin's hand in his own, trying to feel something. Little sparks seemed to dance in between them, teasing them to go further and further.

   "I'm sorry, for messing up a good night for you." Marvin shook his head, holding it in his hand for a moment tiredly.

    "You didn't really... Some guys were getting a little too touchy so you got me out of a bad situation. Thanks..." Whizzer never really thanked people, but with Marvin it felt different. He could imagine seeing the other man for more than just one night.

   "Would you maybe want to grab a drink sometime? Together?" He mumbled, scratching at the back of his head. Whizzer looked over the man, noting the khaki pants and cuffed linked shirt.

   "After you divorce that wife of yours, we can do anything." He smirked, moving so he was sitting on Marvin's lap and stroking down his chest.

   "I'll file the papers tomorrow." Marvin whispered back, kissing the tip of Whizzer's ear as he had learned Trina liked. He earned a purr from Marvin, then biting the skin a little and hearing a small moan emit from the taller man.

   "You can stay over... Just don't try to fuck me in my sleep." Whizzer teased, laying down on the bed and petting next to him. This was all different to him, he usually kicked out guys after they came and then never spoke to them again. Marvin seemed more emotional, like he craved an actual relationship and time with the other. If Whizzer could get that along with good sex, he was all for it.

   Marvin moved so his body spooned Whizzer's, holding his hips firmly against the other's tightly and leaning his head so it was in the crook of Whizzer's neck. He left soft kisses, throwing his arm around Whizzer's stomach and hearing the other emit a noise of disapproving.

   "Not so fast, you get to do couple things once we know each other better." Whizzer snapped, causing Marvin to roll his eyes and kissing his cheek quickly before his eyelids started to feel heavy. Whizzer exhaled, falling asleep to Marvin's soft snores.

    If only they knew what the next few years would show to them.


a.n: part two maybe ??? idk i really love falsettos so much.

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