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Golden Princess of Konzern, otherwise known as the Golden City, or the City of Smiles.
It's been years since the palace was taken over and was destroyed and burned by an unknown enemy. They had also taken the Princess and killed everyone else in the castle.
No one knows what had happened after
Only rumors...

"Ow, Ow... Ow~"the young woman groaned, looking down at her wrist seeing it become swollen and bruised,"Lucky me..."
She sighed, gazing around at her surroundings. It was trees, dirt, rocks, grass, a typical forest land. She sat at the bottom of a slope where she had fallen down not to long ago.
She reached into the dull lavender bag that hang around her should, sighing again to feel nothing but food in the bag.
"Damn,"she cursed under her breath as she stood up slowly,"Why couldn't I have taken a carriage to Hargeon? Or there at least be a path there?"she stomped her feet as she walked along the slope, her legs pulling forward.
"If Virgo was correct, I should be reach Hargeon so-"she stopped, hearing footsteps. Her body reacted first, jumping behind a tree and kneeling down, hiding the rest of her body with the bushes.
The footsteps grew louder as she hid. Unfortunately she got curious and turned her body slowly, looking out from her hiding place and up the slope as the footsteps upon dirt and leaves stopped.
Her body crouched as she moved from her hiding place, slowly along the tree.
She raised an eyebrow seeing no one. She sighed, standing up straight.
Her body reacted suddenly, jerking back with a small squeal that had been silenced by something clenching upon her lips.
Her body was paralyzed by fear as something tight went around her waist, holding her back. She let her eyes wander, searching for anything that might give her a way to get free from the one who held her back.
"Lucille Ashlee de' Heartfillia."
Her eyes widened, bringing up her leg and stomping on the person's foot. There hand let go of her mouth giving her the chance to bite their hand. When she did they grunted and backed away, falling down. She turned and glared at them, bringing up her arm, prepared to fight.
"Wait! Wait, Wait!"they brought up their arms, she eyed them up and down. Male, he was tale and didn't have much of a tan, but that was usual for gingers. He held blue eyes behind his glasses, and his suit he wore with a red tie didn't seem to be dirty so he hadn't been here for long.
"Who are you?"she asked, keeping her guard up.
"People call me Loke, I'm a friend,"he stated, standing up and dusting his dress pants off.
"You think I'll believe anyone who says they're a 'friend'?"

"Will it help if I said I was the friend Virgo sent for? She said I'd provide you space to live and hide while you were being hunted,"he said,"I was making sure you were who they call Princess Heartfillia. And after 'that', I do believe I was correct."
"Why did you grab me?"she ignored him.
"Did you not notice the men walking by?"Loke raised a brow at her,"You would've been caught if I didn't."
"Understandable, ok. I believe you then,"she lowered her arms, standing straight,"Thank you for taking me in,"she bowed showing respect and thanks.
"Come'on, we should leave here soon before more people show,"Loke began walking as she followed close behind,"Anyway, so your the Golden Princess of the City of Smiles or the Golden City. Princess Lucille Ashlee de' Heartfillia of Konzern."
"Many names for a kingdom that was destroyed and a of someone who lost everything,"she sighed.
"The city may have been burned down, but you still live. Which means it is possible for you to rebuild it,"Loke glanced back at her.
"Konzern and it's people all died in a large fire set by a gang who wanted the king to step down from the throne. For all others know, they succeed in killing the Royal family and everyone within the city."
"But not everyone. There's you and then another. I was told he was an orphan the Royal family took in and lived there, and was a close friends with you. You know who I'm talking about?"Loke grinned, adverting his eyes forward.
"I don't-"
"You do. Virgo and the twins told me everything. You also know a lot more than you say,"She stopped and walked quietly,"I don't mean to be prying into anything, but if you are to be under my protection I need to know what exactly is going on. Not brief descriptions."
"Fair enough,"Lucille nodded.

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