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"That gypsy so had a thing for you~"Happy teased Gray.
Gray shivered and looked away,"Don't remind me...."he groaned.
"Too bad you're taken,"Natsu teased, walking with his hands clasped behind his head.
"She was feeling you up,"Erza joined,"Wait til Juvia hears that you were cheating~"
"I WAS NOT!!"Gray defended,"B-Besides... me and Juvia aren't even lovers..."

"Yet,"Happy flew above Natsu.
Gray groaned more,"A-Anyway! We're here, what now?"he looked over at the rest, ignoring his hot, red cheeks.
"Asking around would cause too much attention, but it looks to be our only way to find out about them,"Erza crossed her arms,"And I only know one person who may know how to help us."
"Who?"Happy asked.
Erza pointed ahead of them. The tip of her long, thin finger made their heads spin to the direction it was facing. A man in a black suit leaning down, presumably speaking quietly to what looked to be a female in a winter cloak, her hood hiding any features that she had. 

"Is that-?"Gray squinted his eyes, their distance made it hard to recognized the person that Erza pointed to. It was until the man stood back up and began walking in their direction.
"Hey! Loki!"Happy called out to.
The man waved as he got closer, meeting them not to far from the woman,"Been awhile,"he spoke first,"What brings you to Hargeon?"
"Blame the pinky, found a lead on his old girlfriend,"Gray looked away.
"She's not my girlfriend!"Natsu yelled.
"Whatever you say~"Gray's voice waved out making Natsu obviously pissed.
"R-Really?"Loki chuckled lightly, scratching the back of his head.
"Anyway, whose the new girl?"Happy asked, noticing the girl standing quite a ways from them, but probably close enough to hear Natsu's yell and feel the deathly atmosphere between Gray and Natsu's glares towards each other.
"H-Her?"Loki stuttered again, not exactly sure how to explain.
"Is she another one of your 'flings'?"Erza asked.
"Nah, if she was she'd be all over him,"Gray shook his head, freeing himself from the urge to glare at Natsu after Erza glared at them both,"Unless she's the shy type."
"You could say that-"
"We didn't come here to have small talk, we have limited time,"Erza interrupted looking up at Loki,"Loki, have you seen a carriage come by here with a pink haired woman in a maid outfit driving coach?"
Loki shook his head,"No, many carriages come by here but I haven't seen a single girl in a maid outfit, especially one with pink-"Loki immediately froze up,"Uh-er... maybe you should check at the docks! I-uh- heard about a sexy girl who wore a maid outfit over there!"
Loki turned them all around as a carriage ran past quickly. He turned his head seeing it stop right in front of the woman he had spoken to earlier.

"Princess!"the carriage door swung open to another woman jumping to embrace the other.
"M-Mini!"'Princess' jumped, surprised by the surprise hug,"You have taken your disguise off."
"Princess, I hope nothing tragic had happened to you during your travels,"Mini took her hands, holding them up. Her hair no longer blonde but blue, she was a female version of her twin brother, Gemi now.
"You speak as if you have not seen me in months,"Lucy spoke.
"Princess Lucille,"a man by the carriage stiffened up.
"Gemi, you need not have such posture when addressing me,"Lucy laughed kindly.
"Princess, it is quite cold,"a woman in a maid outfit and bright pink, almost hot pink hair bowed, an arm across her waist.
"I am fine Virgo, do not worry for me,"Lucy assured,"besides, we must wait for Lo-"
"Princess, please  get in the carriage,"Virgo stepped past her.
"Virgo?"Lucille questioned.
"Princess Lucille, those ones followed us from the auction,"Gemi informed, taking Lucy's wrist.
Lucy turned her head seeing not only Loki but a flying cat, a man with dark raven hair, a woman with long scarlet hair, and another man with cherry blossom pink shaded hair.

"Now I know how this must look-"Loki tried blocking the group of four from passing him to get to the carriage they had been looking for. But it looked as if the people from the carriage noticed them first. Two of them were standing very defensive, as if protecting the other two behind them.
"Natsu you get to the carriage, me, Gray, and Happy will take down the two in the way,"Erza planned, getting ready to push past Loki to get to their goal.
"No need for rash actions, we can all talk peacefully, can't we?"Loki smiled nervously, he glanced back to see they were still waiting for him, but the woman, Mini was urging for Lucy to get into the carriage,"They haven't done anything, you see?"
"They know about the Golden Princess,"Gray stated.
"Golden-Hey!"Loki went to catch Natsu as he ran past him, but he was too fast.
Mini pushed Lucy in the carriage, slamming the door to climb to coach. She was quick to rile the horses to their full speed, fleeing the scene that was to become a fight over Princess Lucille Ashlee de' Heartfillia.

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