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"Winter will be upon us very soon,"Happy informed, landing next to Natsu. Gray, Erza, Natsu, and Happy took camp through the cold night. They didn't have much to warm them but a few fur cloths to cover themselves and a small fire sitting in the middle of their 'triangle'. The one who was the most comfortable was Happy, who was already asleep. His smaller body curled next to Natsu on the fur over the man's shoulders.
"It'll be a cold one, that's for certain,"Gray took a gulp from his leather water skin that hung from around his belt like an accessory.
"Juvia will warm you up when we return if you're complaining,"Erza teased Gray with a smirk, making him choke on the water he had gulped, almost spitting it out to be wasteful.
"Is it just me or have you and Juvia gotten closer? Probably difficult without her around,"Natsu joined within the teasing and joking, hoping to get a few laughs from Gray's defensiveness and flustering.
"Last I heard you two were finally getting together,"Erza said.
"They'd be wrong,"Gray sighed,"She's been avoiding me."
"That can't be because of her confession, can it?"Erza asked in disbelief.
"Well that was the last time I've had spoken to her before she began avoiding me, so yeah,"Gray leaned back.
"Don't go break her heart,"Natsu warned.
Gray glared at him, not liking the tone in Natsu's warning,"Like I would. I've been trying to reply to her confession but she won't give me even a second to go near her,"he breathed out.
"Well don't go up to her naked like you are now,"Erza shook her head.
Gray freaked out, covering himself with his fur cloth that had hung over his shoulders.
Natsu hung his head, his hand grasping to his hair. Erza glanced over at him,"You're quiet,"she spoke the obvious, he lifted his head to see her through his bangs.
"Yeah... Just..."he shook his head, looking up at the dark sky,"Lucille, that girl who escaped... She looked so much like Luce. And I feel like I've seen that girl with the maid outfit driving coach."
"Natsu, it could've been your mind playing tricks,"Erza stated.
"I don't think so,"Gray admitted, pulling on his shirt after he slipped into his pants,"Lucille Ashlee de' Heartfiliia, they said her looks were one of a kind. Most beautiful woman in all of Fore and any man would be blessed to have her hand. As the rumors were. Then again, she was a Princess and her kingdom had fallen some years ago. But would her looks change? Yes. But if Natsu thought that girl was Lucille then I wouldn't have a doubt that girl is Lucille or at least knows her."
"Your hunches are usually correct,"Erza shrugged,"If you think that was the Golden Princess, then I believe you."
"What will we do then? We lost her,"Natsu said, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, do you want to pursue her?"Gray asked.
"What type of a question is that?"Natsu looked at him.
"Those people went in the direction of Hargeon. They may not stay there, but I'm sure they will stop there,"Gray shrugged as if it was common knowledge, that easy to figure it out.
"That's at least a days walk,"Natsu said.
"There's a Caravan coming down the road tomorrow going in the direction of Hargeon if rumors are correct. Maybe we can hitch a ride,"Erza smirked.
"I say it sounds like a plan,"Gray grinned back at her,"You said you wanted to meet her. Might as well be sooner than later. And with all you've said about her, I am interested in meeting her."
"I think we all are. Lucille sounds like a very pleasing girl to be around based on what you speak about her,"Erza looked at Natsu,"Don't be too excited that it'll reduce your sleep."
"I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'll be fine,"Natsu nodded.

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