Chasing papparazi, coffee and..!!

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Allritey...I hope all that I have written till now doesn't sound too silly!!

Anyhoo..suggestions are always welcme although i doubt how many people have actually read it.

Nonetheless...guess I'll just have to keep hoping n working...

     The moment Niall and I had stepped out of Nandos, I was blinded by the bright lights all around me

and found myself surrounded by crazy papparazi, flashing cameras, hyperventilating fans reaching out desperately for a touch of Niall's hands and hefty bodyguards standing protectively in front of us.

     It was all very hard for me to digest.

     Questions like,

" Mr. Horan, who is this lady with you?"

" Is she your girlfriend?"

" Hello lady, how are you related to Niall?", a reporter asked me.

   But I was too intimidated by this atmosphere. I wasn't used to so much attention.

   To my relief, Nialk whispered to me urgently, " Hey Abby, bend your head down, cover your face and follow me. NOW!!"

   Too disturbed to think clearly, I did that. I pulled my purse to my face, ducked and trotted behind Niall.

   But with my rotten luck, did I think that this escape would have been this easy?? Nooooooo!!! Never in a million years!!!

   No sooner did we start walking away, than the maniac ( no offence!) fans and media started chasing us like a bull driven crazy by a red cloth!

( P. S I just realized that I WAS actually wearing red!!! How apt is dat, eh? Sorry lame comparison!)

   Frankly speaking? I was experiencing a full scale panic attack within. The only thing that stopped me from tearing my hair apart, doing my panicky dance and screaming my head off was that Niall, yes thats right, THAT Niall was walking with me.

   So from walking, we went to jogging, then to brisk walk and to madly running down the street with our pursuers in tow. It was so scary for me that it was almost hilarious!!

   Finally Niall bumped into Paul (THE SAVIOUR!!!) and then he rushed us off into a tiny but cozy café called ' Donuts, Latte n What not!' (weird name I guess..couldnt think of anything innovative) where we had to wait till the crowd dispersed.

   During our chats over cappuchino and muffins, we just talked about random things but mostly, Niall spent most of the time trying to cool my distressed spirits down.

" Huh!! This is the third, mind you, THIRD time today that I am trying to chill you down!" he mumbled rubbing down my hand while I took a deep breath. " Are you always this hyperactive..or is it just me?!" he said, smirking.

" Ha ha! Very funny, Mr. Horan! No no....its just that Im not used to so much publicity and attention, you know, so I was momentarily afraid and am still suffering from the aftershock!" I said.

" Mr.Horan, huh? That sounds nice when you say it! Mr. Horan..., very serious. "

" Well, err.." I said, blushing furiously.

" Anyhoo, I guess I better get going will also have a lot of other things on your mind and I have troubled you enough today" I said pointing to his forehead. "But I want to meet you again..I hope..." I muttered under my breath.

" Sorry, did you say something else? I didnt quite catch that." He said.

" No no no no...nothing nothing!! Well bye!" I said as I got up to leave.

" Hold on! Atleast give me your number! One last favour, Abigail!" He pleaded.

" Umm...sure!!" I exclaimed as we exchanged our numbers.

"Im not sure I want any other run-in with the reporters today. I really dont think I can handle so much media attention!"I said while leaving the café.

" Sure, but you better get used to it, hon!!! This is just the beginning...." Niall called out after me....


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