No place I'd rather be..

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Chapter 13


"Abigail," I begin, " Listen carefully. I know we've been taking it slow, but now I have to do this..." I trail of.

This is it.

The moment that I had been waiting for all this while. The moment that I had been preparing for, for ages now. The moment, whose thought itself made my palms sweat and made my heart beat fast. The moment about which I couldn't stop thinking. The momen-( Okay okay I'll stop!!)

The moment where I finally asked Abigail to be my girlfriend.

I had spent countless nights staying awake, imagining what this would be like. Whether she would like the setting, if she would appreciate my efforts, if she would say yes. I know that we had feelings for each other, that we had something beautiful, something beyond friendship.

It was as though both of us had been waiting for each other for so long. In some of my interviews, when I had said that I was waiting for my 'Princess', it was as though I had had Abigail in my mind.

Now when I thought about it, Abigail fit that idea completely.

And so, this was my initiative.

I go down on one knee.

In front of me, Abigail has turned as pale as paper, her mouth is open and her brown eyes have widened with surprise. She would never have expected me to do something like this.

But here I was.

I take her hand in two of mine. I look up to her and say," Abigail, I don't know what you'll say, but I do know want I would want you to say. No one has ever made me feel like you do. No one has ever made my heart beat so hard against my ribcage. I don't even know if it's possible to like someone so much, Abby."

"Every time your thoughts, every single time I see a door, it's only you I can think about. What have you done to me, Abigail? That day at Nandos, when you slammed the door in my face, who knew we would get so close to each other. I'm so glad I got bonked in my head that day, Abigail. Else, how would I have met such a wonderful girl like you? You drive me crazy, girl, you sure do."

" Niall.." she breathes, frozen.

" All I ask now, Abby" I pull a small velvet box from my pocket," Will you be my girlfriend?"

I can see the hesitation in her face. She is carefully thinking it over. She doesn't wanna do something and then end up regretting it. I would have done the same.

She looks down at me, gives me a smile and says, " Yes."

And my heart skips a beat. She has accepted.

She is mine now.



I open the box and hold it in front of her. Inside is a locket, heart shaped with a blue and red swirly carving on the outside.

With trembling hands, Abigail reaches for it. She presses a small button on the side and inside is a picture of the two of us, clicked during one of our previous dates. 

Below it is written,

'Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling for you I had no control over.'

A simple line that perfectly described our story. 

The story of our lives.

" I have one too." I say, pulling an identical one from my pocket. " Do you like it?"

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