Azena - A Dive Into Darkness

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26th day of the season of the hammer - Year 2447

- The time has come, a deep voice echoed.

Azena opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and refused to clear up. Two silhouettes in the distance melted with indistinct decor. She looked up and saw two shiny spheres: the twin suns.

- The time has come for what? She asked, slightly anxious.

- For your ultimate test. Unsheath your weapon, young warrior!

This time the voice was intermingled with a feminine voice. Azena searched her surroundings, but she saw nothing but pale emptiness that surrounded her. The young dragon rider looked for what seemed like an eternity for the two intruders, turning in circles. It was only when she closed her eyes and opened them again that she found herself in her bedroom lying on her bed. She blinked as she tried to clarify her vision. A familiar face stared at her.

- Who's here? Asked Azena in a thick voice.

- It's Fayne, silly, said her friend. Come on stand up. You have to get ready for your duel.

Azena became suddenly alert as if she had been struck to the face. She sat down slowly and blinked repeatedly to make sure she did not imagine it all.

- I let you sleep as long as possible, Fayne explained.

- Ah, replied Azena, looking rather confused. Thank you. Fortunately, we don't have any classes today and tomorrow.

She enjoyed a moment of laziness by fixing her dreamcatcher hanging from the ceiling above her and thanked it silently for its protection. She had not been bothered by nightmares; it had become a rare occurrence since Teriondil had offered it to her. Finally, she got up and prepared for her duel. Once dressed and equipped with armor and weapons, she went down to the common room accompanied by Fayne to meet Teriondil and Ariella.

- Ready for your first real fight against a dragon rider? Ariella asked enthusiastically.

- I think so, replied Azena. Lythrana and Nymfrein are excellent mentors.

- That doesn't surprise me.

Teriondil approached Azena and handed her a small object which now lay in the palm of her right hand. At first glance it looked like a most ordinary gem, but when carefully observed it was easy to distinguish the subtle engravings on its green surface. Azena tried to decipher the inscriptions, but the language was incomprehensible to her and at the same time, it was familiar. She took the gem delicately and contemplated it in all its facets under the glance of Teriondil.

- What is this gem?

- A crystal of Granuk, replied Teriondil in his dreamy voice. They are very common where I come from. In truth, it is not a gem, but rather the residue of Granuk, a green dragon that was turned into stone then, he was broken into pieces. The engravings, some elves while others are draconic, tell a small portion of his life. The gem itself is simply seen as a symbol of protection and luck. It has no particular power. At least, that's what they say. Nevertheless, I hope it will bring you what he represents.

Absorbed by the information that the wood elf had just shared, Azena caressed Granuk's crystal. According to the rough texture and the triangular shape of the object, she assumed that it was perhaps a piece of scale.

- You are a very strange people, she said, distracted by the crystal. Thank you, Teriondil.

She smiled and put the crystal in the pocket of her uniform. Teriondil bowed slightly.

- A simple gift for a close friend and the Princess of Daigorn.

Azena frowned, confused by the elf's words.

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