Azena - The Search

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44rd day of the season of the fir - Year 2447

On the same day, when dusk came, after her adventures in Turion's memories, Azena explained to Tyrath what had happened since that morning. The young dragon had reacted angrily and let out his frustration by exhaling gusts around as if he was insane.

- I can't believe it, he roared. This quill... This dragon is a torture, an obstruction to our relationship! Don't you see what's going on?

- Please, said Azena, stop these idiocies. Anyway, we can't do anything about it.

- Let's burn it! Cried the dragon with rageous enthusiasm.

- Tyrath... Come on... Be reasonable...

- No! He offends me. He... he...

The silver drake lowered his big head like a pitiful dog that acted badly. His rider stroked his muzzle gently.

- You're jealous, she said benevolently. You're afraid of losing me. It's very understandable. But, Turion has the presentiment that something bad will soon happen and me too. You saw when we were on the way to the academy that the Blood of the Dragon is active again. It's a sinister omen. We have to stick together, you, me and Turion, she finished pointing at the Eye of Knowledge which she held in her hand.

Tyrath rolled up his upper lip and bared his fangs. He silently growled as he stared at the quill that contained Turion's soul. Azena put the latter in an inner pocket of her baggy pants, which were solely held in place by her ebony leather belt.

- Stop and think a little, proposed Azena by crossing her arms behind her head as she usual does when she feels uncomfortable. We'll have to team up with him if we wish to succeed.

Clearly incredulous, Tyrath blew air out of his nostrils and sat down heavily. Staring at the pocket in which was the Eye of Knowledge, he reflected for a long time.

- I suppose you, said Tyrath, addressing Turion.

Azena looked up at him to make sure he remained polite to the wyrm.

- ... you are correct, Tyrath continued with disgust. Humph...

- Thank you, replied Azena. Here, for your effort, mister stubborn.

She approached him to scratch his chin affectionately. Tyrath closed his eyes, smiled stupidly and began to purr. He could never resist caresses. He was a true kitten in the body of a lion.

After a few moments, Azena stopped her scratching session and Tyrath opened his eyes. The facial features of the drake suddenly darkened.

- What? What's the matter?

- How would you feel if I died? She asked bitterly.

Tyrath lowered his eyes and reflected on the fictitious situation. Time passed and shortly thereafter, his breathing wheezed between each inspiration. His face stiffened and he began to whine and growl simultaneously. It looked as if he was both scared and he was about to get carried away. Finally, he raised his eyes and in a cold voice, he replied:

- I feel anger and bitterness gnawing at my heart.

- I'm sorry, said Azena. Sometimes my curiosity pushes its limits.

She lightly touched the tip of his muzzle. Tyrath nodded; he seemed to have calmed down.

- I understand. That experience frightened you.

Azena had not dared to ask Turion for fear of hurting him emotionally. Since she had not had the chance to live the rest of his story, she wondered what a dragon felt when confronted with the death of his rider.

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