Azena - The Strange Silhouette

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45th day of the season of the hammer - Year 2447

The stars were no more and the moon which was of a red turning to golden color was still barely visible. In this beginning of the summer, the weak wind proved cold enough to pierce through the fur blanket in which Azena was wrapped. The young dragon rider watched the lazy rising of the two suns. At her side, her faithful dragon, Tyrath, used his wings as a windbreak. The two friends had been sitting on the roof of the Academy of Archlan since the end of the day. They had spent the night discussing the fight against Serfantor and Shalith, Turion, their fate and Azena's departure for the season of the sun.

- You should enjoy the last moments of the night to sleep, Tyrath advised. You will need it for the journey.

- I can sleep on your back, the young lady replied obstinately.

- We have already discussed this. I hate to admit it, but Turion is right. I will do you more harm than good in Nothar. Where are you going to hide a dragon from the people in that narrow city?

- Narrow? Oh, I suppose now that I'm used to Atgoren... And, to answer you, I would hide you in the forest...

- You know very well that the dragon hunters will be happy to strip me of each of my scales. The Blood of the Dragon is very dangerous right now. It's necessary to be vigilant.

Azena crossed her arms and buried the bottom of her face in the newly formed hollow. She knew he should not come with her, but he was part of her now. He was the person who mattered most to her with Fayne who's just behind him.

- No need to hide your discontent, said Tyrath, with a little sneer. I assume from your behavior that you have no more arguments and that I win.

- I'm gonna miss you, said Azena, in a broken voice.

Tyrath looked away at his dragon rider. His eyes tried to cross her, but she refused to establish a connection. He merely smiled and pushed her head with his muzzle as a sign of comfort.

- Everything will be fine, he said gently. We shall meet again in a short time.

Azena restrained her tears, but did not stop herself from wrapping one of Tyrath's forelegs in her blanket to cuddle it.

- A whole season is a long time, Azena whined. I feel like I'm not gonna see you for ages.

- I know, replied Tyrath. I understand this feeling perfectly.


The hours passed and the moon disappeared, leaving room for the suns whose powerful rays illuminated the landscape. Azena hid her sensitive eyes with her arm.

- It is officially the season of mating, said Tyrath.

- Pouah, what a disgraceful nickname for the season of the sun, grumbled Azena.

- And how would you call it in this case?

- Ummm... I imagine... the season of love.

- Love, I wonder if I will meet it one day.

- You dragons, you're always talking about mating, but you never mention love. It's very strange. Are you capable of it? I mean, to feel this romantic feeling?

- I sincerely believe that yes. The purple dragons spoke of it and even adored it apparently, but the others saw it as a weakness, as a useless addiction. Maybe it's just not in our culture.

A red dot appeared in the sky. Rendar slowed down and circled around the two friends. The great red dragon examined them suspiciously. Usually he would have sent them to the grand master for him to punish them, but he contented himself with his observation and continued on his way. He roared like every morning except this time, it would be the last of the year.

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