Do you care, I don't know

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I sit and wait for you to be there
Sometimes I wonder if you even care?
I sit and I cry waiting for the end
All you do is sit there and pretend
That I'm not there and the depression
Isn't real; You lie to yourself
You lie to me; As I sit in a corner
And weep and weep; It's too hard to swallow
To hard to breath
The mask is coming undone
Revealing the pain; revealing the sorrow
I sit and yell, I feel so alone
You yell and you scream
I feel like a pathetic waste,
Lost in a sea of lies
I feel like this depression
Will never die
Can somebody help?
Will anybody help me escape?
I'm begging now, just for a out
I scream your name, but you're not there
Finally, I realize you don't care

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