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Much time I now spend, watching
Watching as others pass by, living
Living their lives
I watch not for care of wanting to know them
Or even so as to learn from what they do and say
I simply watch.... And wonder
Wonder why? Why do I feel this way?
Wondering How? How have I come to this point?
Wondering when? When can I ever feel again?
As I watch, I remember
Remember what it was like...
To feel as they feel
To laugh as they laugh
To cry as they cry
To hope as they hope
To hurt as they hurt
To love, to hate, to long, to fear, to yearn...to rejoice...to live
But such is all that I have...memories
Memories which flow before my mind's eye
Even as the people flow before my gaze
And I, I sit quietly in the shadows...
And wonder

Heartless poems book 1Where stories live. Discover now