It's not fair

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It isn't fair
None of it How can people walk and talk
To me
And act like nothing's wrong
Like I'm not tired of fighting
Like i'm not about to give up

It's not fair
I know that they know
They just don't care

It's not fair
I care
I care too much
I can't stand to see them sad
I hate it when their mad

It's not fair
I am always here for them
When they need it and don't
So why is it so hard for them to do the same

It's not fair
I cry
I hate
I talk
I smile
I have my happy
And my sad moments
Just like them

It's not fair
They claim it is hard to understand me
It's a lie
They can understand me perfectly
So what is wrong with me

It's not fair
I don't sit back and watch them die inside
How can they

It's not fair
I live and breath and feel
Just like them
I'm alive
Yet I've been dead for a while

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