Omniscient 14 ◇

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Chapter 14- Pain, Love.

Juhaun had woke up in tears. The pain he felt was great. He did not know what caused the sudden pain but the pain medication didn't help much.

"Jeremiah!" He called.

Leah's sister, that had came this morning, walked in. She had an evil look in her eyes but then she blinked and it was gone. Juhaun immediately got defensive.

"Look I'm not with the crap, where's Jeremiah?" He yelled Jeremiah's name again.

"Leah was right, you are rude. Is it the pain meds, you want?" she asked.

"No Laura, I want Jeremiah!" Juhaun snapped.

Laura smirked at him and walked out.

"Jeremiah!" Juhaun yelled again.

The pain traveled across his abdomen and down his left leg. Sam barged in the room. Her face immediately etched into a frown.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Sam, the pain is so intense and I have no idea why," He cried.

Sam was worried. She did not know what to do with a Juhaun in tears.

"Did you take the pills?" she asked.

He nodded. She sighed.

She lifted his shirt and immediately saw where the pain originated. It was swollen, too swollen. She winced at the sight.

"Obviously you can't move and Jeremiah is somewhere with Leah. I'm gonna call my doctor," Sam said, immediately backing out her phone.

She called her doctor, told her the problem and gave her the address. She sat beside Juhaun and rubbed his leg that was in pain.

The doctor came and tended to him. She said that the damage needed a bit more rest and he strained it by doing all that walking and going down and up the stairs hence the swelling and extra pain. She gave him some stronger pain meds and managed to massage, through Juhaun's cries, the swelling. She told Sam to get ice to put on the swelling and Juhaun should rest it out for the rest of the week then subtle exercises may be done.

She left and the pain meds sent Juhaun to sleep. He fell asleep in Sam's lap as she was icing the swelling. Jeremiah came in and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Who let you in and what happened?" Jeremiah asked.

"Laura and where were you when he was crying out for you in intense pain? You can't leave your sick brother in the house unattended and go out," Sam replied.

"I was handling some matters with Leah. I'm sorry. I didn't know our discussion would take such a long time. I honestly did not hear his cries. Why didn't Laura call me?" Jeremiah pondered for a bit.

"You're lucky I came. He was probably about to pass out from the pain. I called my doctor..." Sam summarized what the doctor said.

"Poor kid. Okay, thanks for taking care of him."

"It's no big deal. What's up with you and Leah?" Sam asked.

"What makes you think there's something up with us?" Jeremiah asked.

"Well, for one, you looked stressed as hell after just having this long ass talk with her," Sam replied.

Jeremiah chuckled.

"She's literally killing my nerves," He said.

"Wow, you're late. What do you even see in her?" Sam asked.

Juhaun shifted and snuggled deeper in her lap. Jeremiah smiled at the sight.

"You got a big ass baby." Jeremiah chuckled.

"I know, now answer my question," Sam said.

She gave Jeremiah a look. Jeremiah sighed and began to spill.

"Well, the Leah I fell in love with, she was sweet and caring. She had her moments where her attitude killed but it wasn't as bad as it is now. She always wore a smile and she was so carefree and understanding, great person to be around. She grew on me, that Leah. I fell in love with her or so I thought. We got engaged and she got this stink attitude all of a sudden then she started hanging with some damn sh'tty people... I don't know."

"You said 'or so I thought', don't you love her anymore?" Sam asked.

"Well when her attitude thing started, I could still look past it and still feel the love. It continued that way, I would barely get angry at her because I would look past everything but then lately I can't feel it and she is getting to me. It's like I don't love her as much as I used to. So, we talked, especially since we had that big argument last night about that attitude. She said she's going to improve, but if I'm to be honest, I don't give a f'k."

Sam laughed.

"You're still gonna' marry her even with these feelings?"

"Look, no one said love was easy. I'm seeing though. Maybe if she gets rid of that attitude, it'll go back." Jeremiah sighed.

"What if it doesn't go back, even with her attitude improved?" Sam asked.

"Well her and the damn attitude leaves my life," Jeremiah replied.

"I like this side of Jeremiah. Leah cracked yo ass," Sam said then laughed.

"What do you mean?" Jeremiah asked.

"I want to see you shouting and fighting, that would be a sight."

Jeremiah shook his head.

"You're crazy. I don't think I want Riley around yo' ass," Jeremiah said.

"I'm great influence for Riley. I'm actually hurt," Sam said, feigning sadness.

Jeremiah got up.

"I have an appointment right now, are you okay with him?"

Sam nodded and Jeremiah left.

~KemrezM 💋

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