James Madison, red in the face.

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You get a double upload!

I wake up to Mac pawing at my face. I gently lift the little guy off of my face and set him on my carpet. I stand up and walk to my closet, picking out a pastel blue dress shirt, grey dress pants, and black dress shoes.

I place a bowl of food and a bowl of water next to the closet. I scratch Mac on his head before grabbing my messenger bag.

"Morning, Jemmy," I heard the calming voice if Thomas say behind me.

"M-morning, Thomas," I respond, lightly biting my tounge after stuttering.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I can hear him walking closer, his cane making a tapping noise as he approached.

"Nothing," I mentally high five myself for not messing up on my words.

"If you need to talk, you have me," Thomas says as he gave me the kindest of smiles.

Thomas was dressed very nicely, his dress shirt was maroon, the black dress pants fit him nicely. Oh God, your staring! Stop staring!

I shake my head and look at his eyes.

"Wanna go shopping after work?" He asked.

I nodded and shuffled down the stairs. I bolted out to the car and waited for Alex, Burr, and Thomas to get in.

"Alex, you have to sit in the back atleast once. It isn't fair to Burr," I hear Thomas's voice.

"Fine," sighed Alex, "as long as I get to drive on the way back!"

"Deal," Burr agreed.

I scratched my arm as Alex sat down. We may live together, but he still makes me uncomfortable.

"Hey there... you?" Alex said.

"You for-forgot my n-name, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes," Alex admitted.

"J-james, James Madison," I shook his hand.

I felt the car stop suddenly, the seatbelt catching my shoulder.

"Burr, what the fu-"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!" Burr apologized.

"Don't blame Burr, blame the Jack Ass in front of us," Thomas said as he flipped off the guy who stopped.

We soon pull into the parking lot of our office building.

"Well, Au Revoir!" Said Alex as he tried opening the door.

"Child lock," Burr states simply.

Alex rolled his eyes. He jumped out of the car the second he saw our office last time. That man is too excited to write.

Burr finds a parking spot and allows Alex to get out of the car. We all calmly approached the building. It was grey, tall, and looked like it was more important than it really was.

"Good morning," I heard our supervisor greet.

"Hello m-mister Washington," I squeak.

"Salutations, Mister Washington," barks out Alex, going as far as to salute the man.

"George, what's up? That was rhetorical, don't answer that," Thomas casually spoke.

"Good morning, Mister Washington," Burr smiled in nervousness.

"Now, let's get down to business."

+×÷=Line Break=÷×+

It is now our lunch break. Thomas is leaning against the break room counter, waiting for his Macaroni and Cheese from last night to finish heating up.

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