Oui, oui, mon amie, je m'appelle Lafayette.

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I hear my alarm clock go off. I grumble and roll over, slamming a hand on what I hope is the off button. Success! I think to myself as the high pitched screech went silent.

I open my eyes to be greeted to the sight of a photograph of Hercules, Alexander, John, and myself. It was taken during our first pride parade. I'm wrapping my arms around Herc,  Alex and John had their arms around each other. In the background was Thomas and James, James was mid sneeze with Thomas holding several tissues to his face. Next to them was the Schuyler Sisters, Peggy was flipping off the camera while Angelica covered Eliza's eyes.

I hum at the fond memories. I gently lift the sheets I used in place of blankets. I quickly make my bed and head to my closet. I pick out a simple grey t-shirt with small splashes of paint on it and some sweat pants.

I walk to the full body mirror, grabbing a hair tie from my wrist and tie up my hair. After making sure that I look good, which I did, I grab my duffel bag and head down stairs.

I see Peggy, James, and Burr talking. Burr looks a little shaken up about something. I walk towards the table and begin to pick up on some conversation.

"Why was Hamilton even in your room?" Peggy asked as she rubbed Burr's back.

"I don't know," Burr said, nearly crying.

"And, um, w-what is written on the letter?" James voice is predictably shaky.

Burr looks about ready to answer, until Peggy shouts "Hi, hoe!"

"Salut, salope," I respond, slipping back to French in nervousness.

I see her look behind me then quickly look back to me.

I turn around to see Herc about to grab my waist. I smirk and feign surprise.

"Bonjour, mon amie," I purr.

"Get a room!" Thomas shouts as he walks down the stairs.

"As soon as you and 'Jemmy' get a room!" Hercules snickered as he shouts up at Thomas.

Thomas rolls his eyes, smile still on his face, and walks up to Burr and James. "You guys ready to go?" He asked.

They both nod. At that moment, Alex walked down the stairs.

Alex shuffles awkwardly, shifting his eyes from Burr to the door.

"Hey? Um, let's go."

The interaction was awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife!

"We should get going too," Herc whispered in my ear, enticing a shudder to run up my spine.

We walk to Herc's car, me in the passenger seat and Herc driving. We both buckle our seatbelts.

He stops at the small strip mall we work at. He owns a small boutique while I'm a self defense teacher.

I walk in and set up, waiting for the first class to show up.

I hear the door open and look up to see one of my students, Lilith, walk in.

"Good morning, Lafayette," she says, smiling warmly at me.

"Good morning," I respond, "how are your children?"

"Oh, Timothy starts school soon."

"How exciting!"

"Yeah, now the house won't be a..." there is a smirk on her face.


"... warm disaster!" She burst out laughing as I huff and pout a little.

"It was one time when I had just moved to America!"

She laughed and punched my arm.

I started class once the rest of my students filed in.

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It's dark by the time my last class rolls around. This one mainly has children present.

"Bonjour, children!" I smile.

"Hello, mister Lafayette!"

I was about to start my lesson when I heard the door to the studio open.

"Lafayette," Hercules walks into the room and smiles at me, "oh, there's still a class?"

I nod with a smile. "This is perfect! I needed a volunteer!"

Hercules looks confused, which just made a smirk grow across my face. "Ah, do not worry, mon ami, you should be fine. Besides, there is no way for someone as small as me to get the upper hand on someone as big and strong as you, non?" I hear some children snicker quietly behind me, as they are fully aware that I could take down Herc in a heart beat.

"I guess?" Herc says as I start moving towards the mats.

I push a small water gun towards the larger man. "Hold this," I said as I started adjusting his stance. When I deemed the situation a good one for learning, I stepped back and got into position, shifting ever so slightly, and shooting my hand out towards the others wrist. Her was larger than me in every sense of the word, I, on the other hand, am trained.

Taking a hold of his wrist was merely step one. I tried to work faster as I felt the muscles under my hand tense as if preparing to attack. I ripped to water pistol from his hand, wincing as I heard his take in a sharp breath.  I held the water pistol towards him.

"Remember kids," I say, still looking at Herc, "use this in a life or death situation only."

(Warning, I am in no way trained in self defence, don't try this)

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I wait close up shop long after the children left. I popped my back and let out a sigh.

I looked over at Herc, worried that he has yet to speak since after he came into the class.

"Are you okay?" I ask as Herc drives.

"That was hot as fuck," the man says bluntly, never taking his eyes off the road.

"Wha- wait what?" I ask as a blush takes over my face.

"You're an attractive, strong man, Laf."

I look out the window and consider what my next move should be.

"I think you are also attractive, Hercules," I say after a pregnant pause.

He parks in the drive way of the house and looks at me, pure love and admiration in his eyes. "I love you, Laf, and I want to be with you, if that's okay." His hand had inched towards mine.

I turn to him and smile. "Of course it is okay!" I place my hand in his, shivering at the sensation of his large, calloused hand wraps around mine.

We enter the house, hand in hand, smiles wide.

"Finally!" I hear Thomas say from the living area. "It was becoming agony watching you two dance around feelings!"

"The same could be said about you and James, non?" I smirked. The people in question blushed and looked back to their previous activity.

After diner, Herc and I ended up in the same room. My head was resting a top the elders chest. The slow rhythm of his breathing slowly lulling me to sleep.

Fuck, this took too long.

Sorry for the wait! I promise the next chair will be out sooner than this one was!

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