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The next few days, Phoebe spent more time with the kids and getting to know Antonio

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The next few days, Phoebe spent more time with the kids and getting to know Antonio. He had finally asked her to be his girlfriend and he couldn't be more happier. Eva and Diego has been pressuring him to do it for a while but he wanted to make sure everything was over with Laura. He finally had dual custody of his children and they were divorced. He was ready to move on and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin his happiness. Everyone at District 21 had been glad he had moved on with such an amazing woman.

Surprisingly, Hank had been the biggest supporter of the relationship as he knew how hard things had been for Antonio recently. Recently Laura had been MIA and Antonio couldn't help but think something was wrong.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Phoebe asked as she sat down next to him on the patio. Eva, Diego, Gabby and Matt were all playing basketball in the backyard.

Antonio frowned in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Phoebe scoffed, "You're worried. I know you are, so don't act like something it's bothering you. What is it?"

Antonio sighed, "I don't like how you already know me so well. It's Laura. She's practically been MIA for the past couple of weeks. The kids don't get to see her as much and she's dating older men. I'm not worried about her dating but rather who she's dating, according to Eva and Diego he seems like a scary guy. I don't want whatever she's mixed up in to effect the kids. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them."

Phoebe grabbed his hand and ran a soothing thumb over his knuckles, "I know you're worried but you need to understand she made her choice. The only thing you can do is be there for the children. I'm sure they have an idea of what's going on, considering how smart they are but its your responsibility to assure them otherwise. Talk to Laura, try to understand what's going on and maybe things can get better. I care about you, Antonio and I also know how important your family is."

"How is it that you always know what to say?"

"It's a gift," Phoebe teased playfully.

Phoebe walked towards the door when she head a knock

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Phoebe walked towards the door when she head a knock. Everyone was gathered in living room watching the game and she was the closest to the door. When she opened the door, she frowned in confusion as she didn't know who it was but soon realise it could be Laura.

"Who are you?" She asked rudely.

Phoebe bit her tongue to prevent herself from saying something she would regret, "I'm Phoebe. A friends of Gabby's. I'm assuming you're Laura. You should have been here to pick up the kids three hours ago."

Laura rolled her eyes, "I am. Whether I'm late is none of your business, so do me a favour and get out of my way."

"Baby, who's at the door?" Antonio asked as the walked towards the door. Laura glared at Phoebe when Antonio addressed her as 'baby'. Why, Phoebe had no idea.

"So you're the whore he's been sleeping with?" Laura smirked as she crossed her arms to look intimidating. Antonio glared at Laura before wrapping an arm around Phoebe.

"She is my girlfriend, so treat her with respect if you want to step into my house. You were supposed to be here three hours ago, why are you so late? I honestly don't care what you're up to but the kids are ready for you," Antonio sighed. He was done with Laura's shit and he certainly wasn't going to let her treat Phoebe the way she wanted, especially not in his house.

Laura just rolled her eyes, "I'm actually here because I need you to let the kids stay with you for a few days more. I have to go visit my mother's sick friend."

Antonio scoffed at her inability to have any remorse for her own actions, "Seriously? What is wrong with you? You're children want to spent time with you and you're leaving without talking to them. You're their mother, it'd be nice if you acted like it."

"Like you haven't already replaced me with this whore," Laura snared as the pointed at Phoebe.

Phoebe sighed in annoyance and spoke before Antonio could, "I don't know you and you sure as hell you don't know me so don't act like it. I've done more for you're children in the past couple of weeks than you have in the past couple of months. I honestly don't care where you run off to but don't act like you're a better person than me. Your children needed you here and instead I'm the one that has been taking care of them. Go where ever you want but know how this effects your children. It's already bad enough for them that you and Antonio are separated but that doesn't mean you can't be their mother. You don't get to judge me and Antonio's relationship as you were the one that walked out. Leave and the next time you come back, you better have your act in place or you won't see them." Phoebe practically slammed the door in Laura's face and didn't wait for her to reply.

"Thank you," Antonio spoke gratefully. He had begged Laura to be more considered towards the needs of the children but she had blown him of every time. They deserved better and he was glad Phoebe stood up for them. He knew how much they already meant to her.

"You have nothing to thank me for. You and the children deserve better but something tells me, Laura will be back and it's not going to end well," Phoebe worried.

"I agree."

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