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"How do you feel? What's going to happen next? I missed you, as do everyone at 51

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"How do you feel? What's going to happen next? I missed you, as do everyone at 51." Sylvie pouted as she sat on the chair next to Phoebe's bed. Work hadn't been the same without her, she missed her good friend.

Phoebe giggled, "I missed you too. I feel better but I'm still pretty sore, not a surprise. Antonio says they'll file a case, gather evidence and the. It'll go to trial. In the meantime, he's going to get me a restraining order. I guess all I can do is wait."

"You'll get through this. I hate that this has to happen to one of the best people I know. You've got all of us behind you, everyone at Med, 51 and PD. We will be with you every step of the way." Sylvie promised as she held Phoebe's hand.

Phoebe was grateful to have a friend like Sylvie. She had made the last couple of months easier for Phoebe and made her less home sick. It felt good to have someone to talk to about anything and everything. Work was also more fun and less stressful.

Phoebe smiled at her friend, "Thank you for everything. Tell everyone I will be back before they know and I appreciate all the support they have been giving, it makes it easier."

"Good, we can't wait to see you."

"I can't either."

"Just wanted to check up on you

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"Just wanted to check up on you." Antonio walked into her hospital room after a long day of work.

Phoebe put her book down as soon as she heard his voice, "It's nice to see you too stranger." It had been a long morning. After Sylvie left, many of her friends from Med and 51 came so visit her. She didn't care that no one from PD came to visit her as she knew they were working his case.

"I see you've had a few visitors." Antonio teased as he sat down on the bed next to her. He wanted to give her the news before anyone else did and a small surprise.

Phoebe smiled, "Yeah, they all wanted to see how I was doing. It was nice to see everyone and I can't wait to get back to work already. What are you doing here?"

"We got him. He's going to go away for a long time. He took a plea deal so you don't have to testify in court. I am so sorry you had to go through this and I promise to make sure you never have to go through something like this ever again." Antonio promised her as he held her hand.

"I know you, I trust you."

Antonio smiled before pressing a kiss to her hand, "I have a small surprise for you." Phoebe looked at him confused but didn't have the chance to ask before Eva and Diego ran into the room, straight for Phoebe's bed.

"We miss you."

"Trust me, I missed you too."

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