11 | restraining

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"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

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"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Phoebe shook her head in slight fear, "No. Whatever you have to say, you can say it out here." She was not letting him anywhere near the kids, especially after everything they had been through, they had seen enough violence.

"Why not?" Adam sneered as he stepped closer to her.

Phoebe took a step forward, closer the door behind her. She knew exactly what Adam was capable of and she refused to let the kids see the confrontation waiting to happen. "You know exactly why." Phoebe firmly replied.

Adam smirked at her boldness, "You sure have changed. I miss the little submissive bitch you used to be. You used to do anything I asked you to. You never used to speak out of turn. You cooked and cleaned for me. Who the hell made you so brave?" Phoebe didn't reply as she froze up in fear. Adam took two quick steps towards Phoebe, standing right in front of her face. "Who made you so bold? Answer me!" Adam yelled in her face. When Phoebe didn't answer him, he grabbed her by the throat.

"Let...go." Phoebe tried to speak as he squeezed her throat harder. Adam just grinned sinisterly before he let go but was quick to slap her in the face, hard. Phoebe fell to the floor from the shook before he began kicking, kicking her so hard she didn't that she was unable to defend herself. She heard footsteps running her way before she passed out from the pain.

 She heard footsteps running her way before she passed out from the pain

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"Take a moment, love. You're pretty sore." A voice spoke from next to her. Phoebe tried to sit up on the bed but her whole body was sore. She held her face before her memories came back to her. Her whole body began shaking as she started to cry, Antonio was quick to wrap his arms around her.

"You're okay. You're okay." Antonio tried to soothe. It took some time but he finally managed to calm her down, calm enough to speak, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Phoebe nodded as she sat up with Antonio's support, "I was helping the kids with their homework before I got up to start dinner. I heard someone knock on the door, I opened the door and there he stood. I didn't want to talk to him but I also didn't want him to come into the house, not while the kids were there so I stepped outside. I should have seen it coming but he was so much stronger than me. He grabbed me by the throat, completely winding me and then he started beating me. I blacked out from the pain, right?"

Antonio sighed heavily, "You did. The kids had called when they heard the commotion outside. Me, Jay, Kevin And Adam arrived to find you lying on the porch and he was standing over you."

"What happens to him now?"

"Well, we've arrested him now. You can file a case and we will investigate. I promise we will do everything we can to make sure he doesn't go back onto the stress. In the meantime, we will have to file for a restraining order." Antonio explained while holding her hand.

Phoebe nodded, taken all the information in, "Anything. I just want all of this behind me. I thought it was over. I can't keep living like this, I can't keep letting him have a hold over my life."

"And you won't have to. You got through it once and I know you'll get through it again. You're stronger, stronger than you give yourself credit for which I Why I know you'll fight. You will fight for your control and I know you'll get it back. I'm with you, every step of the way. I promise."

"I hope so. I sure hope so."

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