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"I see someone has been keeping busy since I've been gone

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"I see someone has been keeping busy since I've been gone." Antonio spoke from the doorway. Phoebe was quick to put her laptop down before running over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I missed you," she sighed in content as she nuzzled her face into his neck. He had been gone for over a week, and as much as she understood his job, she missed being able to hold him.

Antonio smiled, "I missed you too. What have you been up to?"

Phoebe smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him towards the couch before snuggling up to him. "Nothing much. I've spent most of my time with the kids and Gabby. I planned my trip to San Francisco for the weekend as it's my dads birthday and I'm not missing that. I haven't heard from Laura at all but Eva came to me earlier with a text from her mother, stating that she would be back tomorrow, so I have no idea how that will play out. I've gotten back into writing and my blog, Ask Phoebe, doing great."

Antonio smiled at the brunette in his arms, "I'm glad everything has been going well. I'm glad I took your advice in telling the kids about what I was doing, I guess in a sense it's brought us closer. The kids have been talking nonstop about the time they have shared with you and I'm glad you all get along. I hope you have a great time in San Francisco, I know you've missed you're family. Hopefully Laura won't be a problem for you or the kids but we'll see what happens. I didn't know you were a writer."

Phoebe laughed, "I am. I started the blog a couple of years ago when I'd quit my job to help my sister with her kids and club. It was a great way to keep myself busy and a great way to went about my issues while helping others. I actually have a question for you and I'm not sure how you're going to react."

"Well I'm glad it's something that's important to you. What would you like to ask? It can't be that bad."

"I wanted to ask if you and the kids would like to come with me to visit my family in San Francisco for the weekend?" Phoebe nervously asked.

Antonio smiled at his girlfriend, "I would love to and I'm sure the kids will love the trip just as much."

"Great. I'll inform my sister of the plans."

The next morning, Phoebe had gotten to work early, but was called out on a job with Sylvie as soon as they started

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The next morning, Phoebe had gotten to work early, but was called out on a job with Sylvie as soon as they started. It had been a slow day but the last case had baffled them both.

They had come across a young woman that had, had her child ripped out of her and had almost died from the blood loss. It had struck them both deeply to see such a beautiful young woman, have her child ripped from her. But both women knew the Intelligence Unit would do everything they could to find out who did it.

"Long day?" Antonio asked as he placed a nice cup of hot coffee in front of her, knowing she was tired.

Phoebe sighed, "You wouldn't believe. How is she?"

"As well as anyone can be in that situation. She wanted me to thank you and Brett for all your help, she probably wouldn't have survived without you both out there." Antonio explained.

Phoebe nodded in understanding, "I hope you find who did this and hopefully bring her baby back." Antonio pressed his hand to her cheek, caressing her cheek softly, hoping to calm her down.

"Phoebe." A male voiced exclaimed from behind her.

When she turned around, she froze, "Adam?"

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