T e n // J i b b e r J a b b e r

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"Hey Mr DJ song pon de replay."

"Um... hey Sutton."

"You sound kinda distracted. What's up buttercup?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm just finishing up some math homework. Gimme a second...."

"Cool beans."

"....... okay I'm done. What's up?"

"Boy, you finish quick! Tell me your secrets!"

"It's called starting your work at three o'clock, not six."

"Ok, whatever just get dressed. We're going out. And Star Wars pjs are not suitable for where we're heading!"

"Uh, I'm good."

"Seriously, do you have anything better to do?"



"Fine. I guess my very busy schedule of miserably watching real housewives reruns will have to wait. Though I'm not sure how Melissa and Diana are going to survive without my moral support."

"Yes I know, you're the rock of the relationship, but they're going to have to have live without you for a couple of hours. I need some time with the city's greatest super villain Cereal Killer too, you know."

"Flattery will get you no where."

"What I meant to say was Greatest Super Villain of the World. Dun dun dun! Que the fireworks."

"Okay, flattery may get you somewhere. You know that announcer voice you do makes everything seem thrice as important. I feel like Morgan Freeman is booming to me through the phone discussing my awesomeness."

"*giggles* Thrice, really? Oh my gosh, I love you! You and all your fancy jibber jabber."

"You're making fun of me? Miss I use puns as often as I breathe air and never stop with sayings from decades past. And jibber jabber? Where are we, the twenties."

"The real question is when are we? Aw, c'mon the twenties was a roaring decade. I will never understand why pearls and flapper hats aren't trending these days."

"You know you literally sound like an old person. No offence to old people, I love old people, not like in a creepy way, but whatever, you know what I mean...."





"Okay, seriously though get dressed I'm heading over now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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