Level 8

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"God, it's you again," Jeremy groaned. The Squip was exactly as he remembered -- same face, same hair, same annoying arrogant robot voice.

"Your neural memory indicates that an introduction of my features is unnecessary, correct?" The Squip began.

"Uh, yeah, I know the drill."

"And I should assume my default settings, correct?"

"It doesn't matter," said Jeremy. "This was a mistake." He stood and left the bathroom, shaking his head. "I need to find Michael..."

"According to your neural memory," the Squip recited, standing stiffly, "Michael has been your best friend since elementary school. You have extensive knowledge of his likes, dislikes, insecurities and mannerisms. He shut down your Squip last time you had one. Recently, you have been experiencing romantic and sexual feelings for him, which -- "

Jeremy cut him off in a hurry. "Wait, wait, romantic, sure, but sexual? No, no no no, I just -- "

"You can't lie to me, Jeremy, I'm inside your brain. Surely you remember that from the last sexual situation you tried to deny thinking about. Besides, I can see what you're picturing right now, and it's certainly not PG." He paused, scanning once more. "I didn't know you had a furry kink."

The Squip smirked at the furious blush that came over Jeremy's face. "You're embarrassed. Don't be embarrassed, blushing is a sign of weakness. If you want to be at the top of the social food chain you cannot show weakness."

Jeremy retrieved his phone from his room and started down the stairs as the Squip followed. "I can't just stop blushing, I..." The Squip waved a hand over his face and, to Jeremy's surprise, his face cooled instantly and the blush was gone. "H-how did you... I didn't know you could do that."

"I can do much more than that, Jeremy," the Squip laughed. "You never allowed me to showcase my full physiological potential, which is why destroying me now would be a bad decision."

Jeremy stopped halfway down the staircase. "I know what you're doing."

"I'm trying to stop you from making a mistake."

"You're the mistake, and I have to fix it, so if you'll just shut up and let me, I'd really appreciate it," he huffed, continuing downstairs and to the front door. The Squip stopped him from leaving, and instead directed him toward the couch.

Jeremy began to panic at the loss of control. "No, not this again, please, I don't want -- "

"Calm down, Jeremy." He made Jeremy sit on the couch, unable to move any more. "Allow me to state my case and then, if you still want to, I'll allow you to retrieve the Mountain Dew Red without resistance. I won't even say another word about it once you've decided, if you wish."

"You really think I believe that?" Jeremy spat.

The Squip sighed heavily. "I know you believe it." He sat next to Jeremy. "I know that you possess a very trusting personality. I'm inside your brain. How many times must we go over this?"

Jeremy was silent.

"Okay, then it's settled." The Squip clapped his hands together and stood up, ready to monologue. "So, you implanted me for the primary purpose of helping you access a romantic and sexual relationship with the target male. In short, you want the two of you to be boyfriends, correct?"

GAME OVER: a Be More Chill ficWhere stories live. Discover now