Level 19

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(A/N: First of all, smut warning again. Second of all, I owe a huge thank you to BregyBooks for helping me with the outline for the next few chapters, so thank you, Alex!!! You guys should check out his BMC fic too, it's super intense.)

Michael returned to the basement in a fresh outfit, carrying an armful of clean clothes for Jeremy to choose from. "I didn't know what you'd want to wear, so..." He dumped the pile onto the floor next to Jeremy, who sat cross-legged and held his shirt down firmly over his crotch as he blushed furiously.

"Uh, thanks," he stammered, reaching toward the clothes with one hand.

Michael stood awkwardly for a moment, wondering why Jeremy was just sitting there, until he realized he'd probably want some privacy. "Oh!" he cried, backtracking out of the room. "Right, right, sorry."

The door clicked shut behind him, and Jeremy sighed in relief. He picked through the clothes, grabbing a faded Jimmy Hendrix tee and a pair of checkered boxers that were definitely a size too big. He hurried into the bathroom, cleaned up, and changed as he thought about what the fuck just happened.

Jeremy didn't have much experience with other boys -- with any gender, truth be told, but even less so with boys. Until now, the furthest he'd ever gotten with anybody was a kiss.

The Squip materialized, clapping him on the shoulder. "Jeremy, you player," he grinned.

Jeremy jumped, startled. "What? No, I didn't -- "

"It's pretty obvious -- if not by simply accessing your neural memory, then by your change of clothes and the shade of red your face is right now -- exactly what you did," the Squip grinned. He shook his head and sobered. "However proud I am of you for reaching one of your long-term goals so quickly, I strongly advise that you do not continue this behavior, at least not tonight. Go play video games or something, be a kid for a while."

"Hey, Jeremy, get out here! I gotta show you something!" Michael called from outside the door.

"Depending on what he wants to show me... no promises," Jeremy whispered. He left the bathroom as the Squip rolled his eyes at the remark and disappeared.

Michael was sitting on the edge of his bed, holding a large envelope when Jeremy entered the room.

"Jeremy, look," Michael urged. "I ordered it last month and I got it in the mail like a week ago but I completely forgot about it. Look, look!" Michael ripped the top off the envelope and dumped its contents onto the bed as Jeremy sat down next to him.

Jeremy picked up the tightly folded square of fabric and opened it as Michael picked up the card that was included. He read it aloud.

"'Hello! This is your new binder from GC2b. To love it longer, you should hand wash and hang it to dry. Don't worry if you decide to machine wash and dry, your binder will be just fine.' Then there's another paragraph... 'designed to compress'... 'fits snugly'... blah blah blah." He turned to Jeremy, beaming. "I figured it'd be good to have two... So, what do you think?"

Jeremy held up the rainbow tie-dyed half tank and pulled a tortured look.

"Uh... Jeremy?"

"Michael, I don't know how to say this, but..." He took a dramatic deep breath. "It's really gay."

Michael blinked, dumbstruck, before cracking up completely. "Jeremy, you scared me for a sec there," he laughed. "Yeah, it's pretty gay, but I am gay, so..."

Jeremy carefully re-folded the binder and set it aside. "Gay for me," he retorted through his own giggles.

Michael took his hand as his laughter faded into a smile. "Right."

GAME OVER: a Be More Chill ficWhere stories live. Discover now