Easter Eggs

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Whenever I read a fic, I always love when the author includes some kind of bonus content at the end. It makes me feel like I'm getting more than I paid for. And hopefully you all feel the same way, because I've got some Extra Content™ for ya ;p

••• Face Reveal •••

A lot of you follow my Instagram, so this may be a bit redundant, but I figured those of you who don't may want to see who's writing what you're reading. And here I am:

Hello! I'm Michael, I'm 16, I'm a pan dude (he/him), and I love musicals

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Hello! I'm Michael, I'm 16, I'm a pan dude (he/him), and I love musicals. I write and draw in my free time (mostly fandom shit) and this story has been my number one source of procrastination for m o n t h s.

If you have any questions, just ask! You can comment if you want, and my DMs are always open :)

••• My Notes •••

A question I've been asked a couple times is whether I plan my writing or free associate and edit, and the answer is: I plan. A lot.

Personally, I find it very difficult to have a story make sense in its series of events (rising, conflict, climax, resolution) without an outline. It's not impossible, but for me it's not the way to go.

I had this entire story planned beginning to end before I even started writing the introduction. The outline changed quite a bit as I went along, most notably with the introduction of another conflict -- I was going to end the story with their first kiss and leave the fluff up to other authors, but decided you'd all hate me for leaving out the good stuff, so I kept it going with a little elbow grease.

Anyway, I thought you might like reading my notes, just for fun, so without further ado:

Game Over

    •    jeremy feels guilty abt having secret squip stashed away "just in case"
    •    video games w michael
    •    christine calls -- talk to me in person?

    •    christine angst (i don't feel a connection)

    •    anger -- i was awesome dammit
    •    the only time anyone loved me was when i was squipped
    •    michael comforts him
    •    they burn some stuff
    •    shit i like michael in a gay way

    •    texts christine, they're still friends
    •    realizes he still loves m but was repressing bc homophobic dad
    •    wait he won't love me back he's straight

GAME OVER: a Be More Chill ficWhere stories live. Discover now