Chapter 2

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It was now her first day of school and she was overly excited for it. She knew she shouldn't be expecting much. New town, new people, it would be way more different than fourth grade. Her father decided to drive her there in a relatively normal car. Riley had her permit but not her license yet. Luckily, no one noticed her dad, since he wasn't that dressed up. It was 8 A.M. but felt much later than that. The kids walking into school, however, looked like zombies. 

Riley hopped out of her car, grabbed her school bag and walked into Midtown School of Science and Technology. There were flat screen TVs on the walls broadcasting what seemed to be the school news show. Since Midtown was a pretty large school, she wasn't super noticeable. They probably had transfers all the time.

Riley walked into the office where the secretary was sitting. "Hi, how may I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if I could have my roster," she said, politley.

"Of course," she said. "You're Riley Stark, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, taking the piece of paper from her.  First period she had, AP Biology and by the time she got all of her stuff situated, the first bell had rung. She walked in a bit earlier to collect her textbook and all the coursework they had covered so far. She took a seat in the back of the class, which she learned was a mistake. When the bell rang, the teacher called out to the class. "Students, may I grab your attention on this dreary Monday morning, by saying we have a new student in the class!" she said kind of enthusiastically. Some of the students looked around, but others didn't give a care in the world. Still, it was pretty embarrassing. "Her name is Riley and I hope all of you will be very kind to her."

Riley gave a half-smile and listened to the teacher talk about the experiment they would be doing today dealing with genetics. She already learned about this while she was homeschooled over the summer. She had nothing to do in the summer anyway, so why not spend it doing something worthwhile? About half an hour into the class, a kid with brown hair and a baggy sweatshirt and old jeans busted through the door saying "Sorry, Ms. Wesley."

"That's the 5th time in the past two weeks, you better watch it, Mr. Parker. Next time I won't let you off as easily," the teacher said. "Take a seat in the back." The guy who I am guessing to be Peter Parker, Spider-Man himself makes his way to the back of the class when Mr. Thompson, (whose first name is Eugene, which Riley learned during roll call), sticks his foot out and trips Peter causing him to land flat on his face. The class erupts into laughter, all except for Riley. "Nice one, Flash," one of his friends yelled out. You've got to be kidding me. Is this guy spider-man?  Peter gets up and takes a seat next to her.

"Are you okay?" Riley asks him, looking over, trying to get a closer look at his face. Peter looks over at her, realizing she's new. And that she was really pretty. Ever since there was the whole thing with Liz's dad, he really found a way to get her out of his mind. No other girl has caught his eye since. Until now.

"Y-yeah, thanks," Peter said quickly looking away, trying to hide his face, since it had grown quite red from embarrassment. Damn it, Flash.

"Okay," Riley said, smiling slightly, then decided to explain the part of the assignment he missed. "Um, so, we are doing this genetics thing and since you came in late, and you are sitting next to me, you might as well be my partner. So, there are two dominant genes which make a homozygous genotype, then a dominant and a recessive which is a heterozygous genotype now we have to make a Punnett square for it. Got it? Oh, my name is Riley by the way," she said, feeling like an idiot because she hadn't introduced herself. 

Pretty and smart? God, could she get even better? Of course, he already knew this stuff, but it was pretty impressive considering she is new to the school. Usually, people around here were one or the other.  ", yeah. I'm Peter," he says, his voice cracking. He looked back over at her and gave her a small smile. "Parker." Before they knew it, the class was over and since they were both geniuses, they ended up talking most of the time. When the bell rang, Riley realized she forgot to tell him one thing. Her last name.

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