Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

All you could think about the rest of the night was how beautiful Ryan's eyes were... You hadn't even noticed the bright shining blue eyes before, they were perfect, and his silky blonde hair, it was perfect, he was perfect. You thought about why he would have kissed you on the cheek like he did, so many reasons went through your head at once. Maybe it was just a sign of thank you, maybe he liked you, maybe it was just a friends gesture, maybe, maybe, maybe. You couldn't sleep that night. You couldn't stop thinking about it, you thought about his eyes, his smile, his hair, his face, his laugh, his personality, the way his lips felt on your cheek. Before you knew it, you were falling for Ryan, but you didn't want to, somewhere deep inside you wanted to think you had a chance with him, but you knew you didn't, he was too good for you. You finally drifted off to sleep and Saturday came, you got a text from Ryan around 12.

---Text Conversation---

Ryan- hey, do you wanna go for a drive to the beach today? My mom said I could use her car... :)

-you couldn't say no to this, could you? You lived in Florida, about 20 minutes from the beach-

You- okay! Around 1??

Ryan- sounds good, I'll pick you up:)

You- okay:))

You hop into the shower and get ready, once your hair is dry you toss it into a pony tail and get your bathing suit and get ready, and wait. You let your mom know your going to the beach and then you hear the horn honk. You walk out side, your a little insecure with yourself, you immediately thought your board shorts were too short and that your bikini top was too small and tried to hide your self with your arms. When you got into Ryan's jeep he turned the radio on and was blasting music, the wind was whipping your hair around and you were both jamming.

You felt like you could be your self around him. It was wonderful.


She is hilarious, I can't even stand how amazing she is... I just met her but I can't stop thinking about her. The was her beautiful green eyes sparkle and the way her smile can make anybody melt. Its cheesy. But it's true... I wonder if the kiss last night would make things awkward, or if she likes me... I'm just happy that I get to spend the day with her at the beach. She beautiful. Inside and out.

--back to normal--

As you were jamming in the jeep with Ryan you guys pulled up to the beach, you go out and started putting on sunscreen. He asked you if you could help him get it on his back and you could say no.

As you rubbed the sunscreen in on his back and shoulders you couldn't help but think about how perfect he was, his slight definition of muscle and the perfect tone of skin and his laugh. You could help it. You loved him. But you knew he didn't feel the same.

When you finished he offered to do your back and you said yes, his touch made you shiver secretly and you smiled. Once you were both sunscreened down you headed for the water.

You had an amazing time at the beach with Ryan, it felt like you were there for hours, and you don't want it to end.

You were at the beach for a few hours and you started getting a bit tired. You laid a towel and started some sun baking, Ryan joined you and you guys just talked for what felt like for ever. After a while you headed home, he walked you up to your door step and another kiss on your cheek you blushed and went inside.

Your mom asked you the usual questions "how was it? Blah blah blah"

You went up to your room after you talked to her for a while. You had a text from Ryan, just a "hey" you guys texted for a while, you hoped In the shower and got ready for bed, but you stayed up all night texting and watching movies. After a while you got on face book and saw you had a friend request. It was from Ryan, of course, you accepted it and you started stalking through his news feed and saw his status "I had the most amazing time at the beach ;)" you liked it and smiled

The next day you and Anthony had plans you went to the mall and walked around. And had a good laugh, you guys went to lunch and he could tell something was different.

"y/n, what up with you lately? You seem different?"

"what?! I have not!"

"your really good friends with that Ryan kid lately? I thought you didn't like him!"

"we're just friends..." your voice trailed off and you looked down at the ground.

"yeah, just friends, right!"

" okay okay... "

"are y'all dating??"

"I wish.. I mean! Uhm! Uh... Shoot."

" WHAAT?!"

"okay I will tell you everything, I showed him around the neighborhood and we really connected, we just get each other you know? And when he took me home he kissed me on the cheek and I was mesmerized. His blue eyes were amazing his soft blonde hair... I can't even... And then we went to the beach! We had Ana amazing time! Oh. It. Was. Wonderful. He's perfect..."

You look up and Anthony looks like a deer caught in head lights and you start laughing trying to break the awkward silence between you guys but he still is shocked.

"are. You. Kidding me?"


"oh god, does he like you?"

" I don't know.."

" Girl, you need to find out!"

"I'm just gonna give it time.."


You guys shopped around a bit more and then headed home. You ate dinner and then headed to bed and drifted to sleep.

The next three months were pretty average, you hung out with anthony pretty regularly and got closer with Ryan, you guys hung out a lot as well, and every time he dropped you off, he kissed you on the cheek, your mom was starting to show, she had her first echo, the doctor said it looked like it might be a boy. You were getting excited for her and the little munchkin that was gonna be here in a few months.

The holidays were getting closer and it was getting colder outside. You called ryan and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk and he immediately said he pick you up in around 10 minutes. It was an especially chilly Saturday and you grabbed a jacket and waited out side for him. He finally came. HHe was all bundled up in a jacket and even a scarf. You guys walked to the park and chit chatted. You started shivering cause your jacket wasnt heavy enough. Ryan noticed and stopped you, he took his jacket off and put it around you, he hugged you to speed up the warming process. You blushed and looked up at him and he cupped your face in his hands and pulled you in closer, "I've been wanting to do this" he pressed his lips against yours and you became mesmerized. It felt so perfect. Fire works were every where.

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