Chapter 10

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Lee Ann p.o.v.

I have finished eating and went to the restroom. I finished my business and went to wash my hands. Not long after, 2 girls entered while gossiping.

"Who the hell is annlee?? I hope she just fuck off and go to hell. She doesn't deserve oppa's attention." a tall girl with brown locks said.

"Yeah, she is trying to steal our oppas. Why can't she just die. And suddenly oppas said that they will have a hiatus. I bet it is because of that bitch." the second girl said. She was tall but her body isn't goals.

I stopped what I was doing and the two girls looked at me.

"Hey!! Are you fans of either BTS, EXO, Got7, or 2PM oppas??" the pretty girl said.

"M-me?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I am a fan of theirs." I smiled.

"Then do you hate that annlee girl as well??" the other girl asked.

"Of course I do!! She is an attention seeker after all." I said while making an annoyed face.

They nodded in agreement. I smiled at them and walked away. I headed towards the VIP room with an emotionless face.

They hate me so much do they?? They wish for me to die, they call me an attention seeker, and they call me a bitch. Why are they so cruel??

I looked up and saw the rest of the group stop whatever they are doing and look at me.

"What?" I asked.

" are crying Ann. You okay?" V oppa asked.

I wiped my eyes and it's true, I was crying. "Yeah, everything is fine."

"You don't seem fine though?" Jungkook oppa said.

"Yea, I am not fine." I mumbled. The rest didn't hear that and I just lowered my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. I saw V oppa.

"Let's talk later at the dorm okay?" he said with a smile.

"Sure." I replied with a small smile.

He kept staring at me with his smile then he turned back his attention towards Jungkook. I took out my phone amd bravely opened my instagram. I saw many messages at my dm box. I opened them one by one. All filled with curse words, death wish, and only few of those messages are filled with sorry and defense for me. I felt greatful but the reality still stuck in my head.

I started crying for real now. Not caring if the guys see me. V oppa pulled me to a hug again and I cried harder. V oppa carried me and I guess he signaled the others to take the van. He brought me inside the van and still kept me in his embrace.

We arrived in the dorm and V oppa carried me to my room. He placed me at my bed. I looked up and saw his worried face.

"What's wrong Ann?" he asked.

I stayed silent while my eyes get watery again.

"They hurt you didn't they?"

I just nodded, not producing a single sound. He sighed. He pulled me into a hug and said, "If you need someone to depend on, I am always here okay? I will never leave you so dont leave me, don't leave us."

I nodded. He stood up and said, "Get changed and go to sleep. I will go outside to talk with the hyungs and the maknaes."

I nodded again and said, "Thanks oppa" in a hoarse voice.

He smiled and said, "Your welcome Ann."

He went outside and closed the door. I quickly packed stuffs I need like extra clothes, money, and water bottles. I put them beside my bed and I go to the bathroom to take a bath. I dried my hair and put on new clothes. I opened the window and climbed down carefully to not fall or make any noise.

I looked up and said silently, wishing that V oppa and other oppas can hear me,

"I'm sorry oppa, and thank you."

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