Chapter 6- Fuck you Bieber

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Justin's POV

I can't believe she did that. How dare she use me like this just to delete that fucking pic of hers. I actually thought she wanted this, but no she fucking thought she was playing me. No girl has ever used me like this before, they just use me for pleasure, which I'm fine with, but not like how she used me. I don't know why I was even kissing her on the neck? Why did I even want to dance with her? She doesn't deserve me or my attention. I don't even know why I'm angry right now.

I parked my car in my driveway and went inside my house. I left the party really early, well earlier for me, I normally leave after midnight.

I walked upstairs slowly making sure not to wake my mom and my siblings. I entered my room and shut the door behind me.

My phone was buzzing nonstop. My friends were texting me asking why I left so early. I even got some text messages from Chantel, she wanted to spend the night with me. I should've stayed with her and slept over at hers, normally I never let a hot chick like her go like that, I spend the whole night with them, but today I fucking let that bitch Selena get in the way. I probably would be having so much fun with Chantel right now, and doing it all night long. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I threw my phone on my bed and went into my bathroom to take a cold shower, I need that right now.

Selena's POV

"What happened to Bieber boy?" Demi asked as we walked out the party and sat in Camila's car.

"Don't ask me about him. I can't stand him."

"How does his lips taste?" Camila asked giggling.

"What the- I didn't kiss him!"

"Oh...but when I saw you guys you were pretty close."

"He just kissed my neck that's all and then got pissed for some reason and left. He's so confusing, first he acted like he hates me and ruins my life in school and then he wants to dance. He's doing all this just to make me crazy and mad at him and I think it's working. I hate him. He thinks he can play with me like I'm so kind of toy, but don't worry Bieber I'll show you what I feels like being played with." The car stopped.

"Selena we're here. I hope your rant about Justin is over, and if it isn't then save it for later." Camila said.

I waved my friends bye and went inside my house. Phew my mom wasn't back from work yet. I ran upstairs to my room and got changed into my pyjamas.

I walked into math and sat in my usual seat. I spoke to my math teacher about re-taking the test and she said I could do it after school. I don't mind because I just want to do it and show my mom that I wasn't lying and then she can give my phone back. I feel like I have no life, I don't my my phone or my headphones.

Justin walked in and sat in the seat beside me. He didn't look at me. Strange because he always gives me a stupid wink or his se- I mean his annoying smirk. Well it's good he's done annoying me I can be at peace.

While I was doing my work I could see from the corner of my eye that Justin was staring at me. I ignored it. He was still staring. What's his problem? I turned around and looked at him.

"Why are you staring?" I asked him.

"You're so annoying." What the actual fuck?

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