Chapter 20- You're touch like a happy pill

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Justin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and felt my head pounding. Fuck man why do I get so drunk and later regret? Then I saw Selena sleeping on top of me. My arms were wrapped around her waist and her hair was spread all over my chest and on her face. I smiled to myself while removing her hair away from her face revealing her angelic face. She was absolutely beautiful. Fuck I hope I didn't get drunk last night then I would have remembered everything that happened between Selena and I. I tried very hard to remember, but I couldn't, I only remembered when I left Selena to go dance with Chantel. I'm such a jerk why the fuck did I even do that?

I guess I did the right thing, I don't want Selena to get too close or else I won't be able to let her go and I'll probably put her through so much shit, something she clearly doesn't deserve. But there's something about her that makes me go crazy for her I don't know why but I just want her, I really need her. I just wanna be with her and figure out why I'm attracted to her and once I get my answer I'll leave everything to her, she'll decide if she wants to put up with my shit or not.

"Were you awake all this time?" Selena asked while getting up in a sitting position.

"Not really, just woke up." I lied, didn't want her to think I was staring at her all this time. "Now get out of my bed before my mom walks in on us." I gently pushed her.

"Well I didn't want to sleep here anyways but you were being a little baby saying no stay with me please." She impersonated a little baby and I giggled because she looked so cute doing it.

"Oooor you just love sleeping with me and cuddling up next to me and feeling my-"

"Shut up!" She threw a pillow at me. "Get up and help me tidy my room, because of you I couldn't tidy it at night."

"No I barely clean my room why would I help you clean yours?"

"Ugh I hate you so much don't you ever talk to me again." She groaned and stomped out of my room. I smiled to myself and shook my head. She's so dramatic, but I love her.

"Selena wait!" I got up and ran after her. I entered her room and saw all the mess, wow my room actually looks 10 times cleaner than hers. And that's something.

"Get out." She pointed towards the door. I walked towards and hugged her from the back, "I said I'm sorry."

"No you didn't, get off me." She tried to get out of my grip but I didn't let her go. "I'm sorry babe, I'll help you clean your room. Happy now?" I kissed her bare shoulder and then her neck.

"Yes, now don't just stand here actually help me." We both started to pick up the clothes from the floor and folded them nearly before putting them back into the wardrobe.

I saw a sexy black lace bra, I picked it up and held it to my chest, "Yo Sel do you think this looks good on me?" She looked at me and her mouth dropped open, "Give me that!" She snatched it off me and I started to laugh, "That is sexy though." I said and went back to laughing. Selena looked at me and tried so hard not to laugh. "I know you wanna laugh babe." I moved towards her and started to tickle her stomach.

"Jay stop!" She laughed uncontrollably and then eventually I stopped. "You just need an excuse to stop cleaning." She shook her head.

"No I don't, I'm doing more work than you and faster." I said and she just rolled her eyes.

We were nearly done folding the clothes when I picked up a black hoodie and as I was about to fold it, I saw pink paint on it. My heart stopped. The memory played in my head and I knew it then that it was the same hoodie.

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