Chapter 22- Can we focus on the love?

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Selena's POV

After dinner I went straight to my room. I've spent the whole day in my room, I didn't wanna see him. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I only had one more week left in this house.

"Selena honey?" Someone knocked on my door, probably Pattie.

"Come in." She came in and sat next to me on the bed.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah everything's fine." I lied and faked a smile.

"I don't know why but I feel like something is up with you...and Justin."

"What no, why would there be? Everything is fine, why, did Justin say something?" I quickly defended myself. I hope she doesn't know everything.

"That's the thing. No one is telling me anything, you've spent the entire day in your room and he spent it downstairs looking all dull and miserable. What happened between you too? You guys used to get along well. Plus you only have a week left here, I don't want you to forget about all the time you've been happy here and only remember your last week. I'm sorry that I couldn't spend more time with you, I had work commitments, but now I promise I will do everything I can to make your last week your best." She's such a pure and sweet woman and her son....well let's just not start on him.

"Pattie I appreciate that, but you don't have to do anything. I'm happy here."

"No I promised, and I don't break my promise. Tomorrow get ready we're all going swimming, it's time we all went out together as a family." She smiled.

"Umm Okay." I was looking for an excuse to got go, but I actually like her I don't wanna ruin that just because of him.

"Good. So that's sorted. Oh before I forget, the country club where I take my kids all the time gets really busy after school so to get there on time and get a good space I told Justin and now I'm telling you, to pack your swimming suit or whatever you need and take it to school and right after school just come straight to the club, it saves time. I'm gonna pick up Jazzy and Jaxon after school and drive them there and I told Justin to wait for you in the parking lot and he'll drive you guys there. So please don't be late, I've had a word with him and don't worry he won't be late either, he'll wait for you." Wow just wow. Every fucking time I try to avoid him Pattie somehow manages to put us together. My life sucks.

I just nodded and faked a smile. "Goodnight sweetheart." "Goodnight Pattie."


I took a deep breath and walked up to his car. He was sitting inside the car and as he heard my footsteps he started the engine. I tried to open the door to the passengers seat, but it was locked. I looked at him and he was trying so hard not to smile, I could see his annoying ass smirk. I tried to open it again but this fucker didn't unlock it.

"Open the fucking door for fuck sakes."

"Say what?" He pretended that he didn't hear me. Fucking dickhead.

"Are you like 5?"

"No 10 out of 10." He smirked. Ugh I hate him so fucking much. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you opening or what?" I raised my brows.

"Or else?" He smirked.

"You know what..." I took out my phone and pretended to call Pattie.

"What are you doing?" I ignored him. "Who the fuck her you calling?"

"Pattie." I gave him an evil smile.

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