Chapter 24- The heart wants what it wants

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Selena's POV

" me?" I said it quietly as if it's something to be ashamed of.

"Yeah." He said it so quietly too and starting smiling like an idiot. Oh my god I can't believe this is happening. I have no experience of this how am I supposed to react. What the fuck he loves me! I don't know if I should celebrate or slap him or kiss him or walk away or say something. Ugh never knew he would actually love someone like me wow. Wait....what if he only loves me as a friend. Shit. Fuck why didn't I think of that?

" a friend?" I asked and then immediately regretted it. He's probably gonna laugh at me.

"No..." He replied. My heart started to beat faster, please don't say anything else I wouldn't know what to say. "I mean...I do..but I also...ugh I've never done this before." He covered his face with his hands. Oh my god is he shy? Awwww. Wait...he's never done this before meaning...I'm the first girl he has ever loved. Wow I feel special for once.

"Justin." He looked at me and I smiled. "Me too."

"Wait you mean as in you've also never done this before me too?"

"Both." I chuckled and he giggled. We're such weirdos.

He moved closer and closed the gap between us. "I want you to me mine." He said and my heart skipped a beat. "Wh- what are you saying?" It seemed as if I almost stopped breathing whilst waiting for him so respond. He tucked loose strands of my hair behind my ear and whispered "I want you to be my girlfriend." And that was enough to fill my stomach with butterflies and my heart to skip a beat. But as much as I would love to live inside a fantasy and pretend there will my rainbows and sunshine, I have to look at the facts and face the reality.

"As much as I would love to be your girlfriend, I have to look at the facts Justin. In order to make this work we have to put a lot of effort in it starting by building trust because a relationship without trust will never ever work no matter how much two people love each other."

"So you don't trust me?" Is he for real? So he's just gonna pretend nothing happened earlier?

"Justin what happened earlier? Not just that but what has been happening? You just don't trust me, you get so furious when I'm friends with guys and if that continues this will never ever work."

"I've made it clear that I get jealous when your close with other guys, why can't you just be friends with more girls? Trust me this will work if you just put more effort and try to hang out with more girls."

"Are you actually serious? Justin I'm more close with guys than girls, like I get along with them better. Girls are just all about drama and I hate that I'm different I just find it easier to connect with guys and trust them. I have Camila and now Demi too and that's about it. Plus I don't say anything to you when you're with girls, I literally have no problem with you hanging out with girls and neither should you have a problem with me."

"I get that and I'm fine with that but if you want this to work you have to compromise and trust me I will too." I had a lot to say to him but I was just so tired and couldn't be bothered to argue with him.

"Look we'll talk about this later, I just need time to think things through I don't want to rush into anything right now."

"Rush into? We're not rushing into anything this is perfect Selena why can't you see it me and you belong together. And what is it to think about, we love each other and that's enough."

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